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Problem with checkout

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    Problem with checkout


    My site '' has been experiencing problems with the checkout process for a few weeks now. The checkout either hangs, or runs so slowly that a number of customers have given up and shopped elsewhere. I know this because I have begun to receive complaints by email.

    Just now whilst updating the site, I have received the following passive transfer errors.

    CommonOCC\Output\Act_OCCActPayOK.html,C:\Users\Public\Documents\Actinic v8\Sites\Site1\CommonOCC\Output\Act_OCCActPayOK.html
    The file defined in Design | Additional Files couldn't be opened.
    CommonOCC\Output\,C:\Users\Public\Documents\Actinic v8\Sites\Site1\CommonOCC\Output\
    The file defined in Design | Additional Files couldn't be opened.
    CommonOCC\Output\Act_OCCActPayError.html,C:\Users\Public\Documents\Actinic v8\Sites\Site1\CommonOCC\Output\Act_OCCActPayError.html
    The file defined in Design | Additional Files couldn't be opened.
    CommonOCC\Output\PostOCCActPay.fil,C:\Users\Public\Documents\Actinic v8\Sites\Site1\CommonOCC\Output\PostOCCActPay.fil
    The file defined in Design | Additional Files couldn't be opened.

    I have noticed that some of these errors seem to relate to payments and wondered if they could be something to do with the problem I'm having. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

    Problem Isolated (but not yet fixed!)

    OK, so I have managed to get hold of those missing files above, and I've copied them into the relevant folder. That has cleared up the passive errors issue, but not solved the checkout problem.

    After some further investigation, I have isolated the problem to the 'Checkout Now' button that appears underneath the shopping cart (it's the fifth option), when you have clicked 'View Cart'. (Please see attached screenshot).

    Once products are in the basket, if you click 'Checkout' from the horizontal menu bar, then there's not an issue, you can proceeed just fine to the PSP page. However, it seems that clicking the 'Checkout Now' button from the shopping cart causes the checkout process to malfunction. Not only this, once you have clicked that 'Checkout Now' button, it is impossible then to use the 'Checkout' button from the horizontal menu bar - basically, clicking the 'Checkout Now' button locks you out of the shopping cart.

    The only solution I could find to this problem was to add another product to the shopping cart, and then use the 'Checkout' button on the horizontal menu bar. Using the 'Checkout Now' button again results in a lock-out scenario.

    There is definitely something not right with this 'Checkout Now' button that is causing a major issue that I cannot currently solve. Does anyone have a clue what might be causing this issue?
    Attached Files


      No-one to help?

      I'm quite surprised no-one has posted anything. I have used this forum previously and found it really useful. Have I done something wrong in the way I presented my issue here, or is there genuinely no answer to this?? Confused?


        IIRC checkout 'buttons' (images as you have ) in V8/V9 require changes to the perl scripts as described in the AUG. Did you make those changes and were any changes repeated when you last upgraded?


        Edit: It's also described in the knowledge base here

        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


