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Unsure on how to edit Contact Us Page

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    Unsure on how to edit Contact Us Page


    So a simple problem really, a few years a go the company I work for got their website set up for them using Actinic (before I arrived) and now it's my job to run it.

    We have now moved Premises but the contact us page on the website refuses to update and I am unsure why. I have changed the address in the Business settings and nothing on the Contact Us page has changed although the address has changed in the Terms and Conditions page where some form of text shortcuts have been used, am I simply missing an easy solution here?

    Now for some reason, I cannot access the design features of Actinic, is this where I need to go to edit this page, and does that require buying an upgraded version of Actinic? I seem to be able to edit all other pages on the site without using the design features.

    I can upload images if it helps.


    Welcome to the Community, Peter.

    When you say "I seem to be able to edit all other pages on the site without using the design features". I'm not sure what you mean. Can you elucidate?

    Also, an URL would be useful.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      also, what version if Actinic do you have? Is it catalog or business?


      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



        Okay, here is the website:

        When I open Actinic it reads: "Actinic Business: Client Version", I believe it's Actinic V9 too.

        So far, I do and have done all the editing of the pages using the content tree section (see attachment), as I've never really had to do much else.

        I'm assuming I have to upgrade to access the design features so I can gain much more freedom in editing the pages further?

        Again, thanks for the help.
        Attached Files


          Client versions of the software do not have the Design tab (this is normally next to Content and Orders tabs). Without this you are unlikely to be able to update the Contact Us page. The previous designer is likely to have 'Hard Coded' the address to be on that page.

          The options you have is to contact the pervious designer and ask them to update the page and send you the Design Snapshot, or a Design Elements Snapshot contaning the Contact Us page.

          Else you can contact SellerDeck sales and talk about upgrading to Business version. Rather than Business Client version.

          So you are also aware, version 11.0.3 is currently out.
          Also SellerDeck Support (previously Actinic Support) will not be supporting version 9 later this year. (The date of this is not decided yet.)

          Hope this helps somewhat.
          Jennifer Bray

          Projects Co-Ordinator
          SellerDeck Ltd


            If you have Access and feel brave, you could directly amend the text in the ActinicCatalog.mdb database in your Site folder. Close Actinic and back up ActinicCatalog.mdb first!

            Then open ActinicCatalog.mdb in Access and look in the DesignObjects table. Search column sName for "Contact Us Bulk Area" or search the sMarkupCode column for something that only appears on your Contact Us page. Edit the sMarkupCode entry but only change address info. Leave all other HTML in place.
            Norman -
            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

