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Problem with write permissions when uploading site

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    Problem with write permissions when uploading site

    We run Actinic Business v9.0 and are in the process of moving to a new hosting company.

    All our settings in Web > Network Setup appear correct but when I press Test, I get this at the bottom of the screen:

    Testing Normal Settings...
    Test Write Permissions...

    ...and the test process doesn't get any further until it times out.

    The "apache" user on our new server has write permissions over the /acatalog directory and all files within it so I can't see what the problem is.

    What's the best way of troubleshooting this issue? The new server doesn't really have any FTP log files so I can't see exactly what Actinic is trying to do at this stage. Is there a way of logging activity within Actinic so I can see precisely which file / directory it is unable to write to?

    The only setting I'm unsure about on the Network Setup screen is "Codebase", which is currently set to "./". I'm not sure if this would affect the write permissions issue or not?

    Any help greatly appreciated...


    The usual culprits are the acatalog folder needs to be 0755 permissions as does the cgi-bin.

    If ftp'ing in and changing them to those does not solve it, then suggest posting your network settings to the post (remove usernames and passwords) along with who is hosting it (1 and 1 and so on) and someone might host with them and be able to advise.


      The file permissions on cgi-bin and acatalog are correct. Actinic was able to upload all the files to both directories initially - so it clearly does have write access - but it fails at this particularly point of the testing process.

      I don't appear to have any way of ascertaining which directory it's actually trying to write to, so although I've checked the file permissions on cgi-bin and acatalog, it might be some other directory that's causing the problem.

      We host the site on our own dedicated server, so it's not a cheap and cheerful hosting solution that other Actinic users might have encountered!


        What control panel is it using, i.e. plesk, cpanel as that will shed some light on what the usual network settings and permissions for those panels might be.


          same for me

          I am also having the same problem uploading my new website to my new host.
          i am receiving the following error messages>

          Actinic is not able to run the CGI scripts on the server. It appears as if the scripts are not installed. The most likely cause is that you have an incorrect CGI-BIN URL. If you've never uploaded the site, then you should do it before a download of orders. If you've uploaded the site ever, then Run Web | Configure Web Site Details... to review your web site configuration.

          then if you select view response it reads>
          The requested URL /cgi-bin/ was not found on this server.

          when i then click ok to move on i receive this message>
          The web server returned error code 404 - Requested URL not found. This means Actinic can not execute the CGI scripts on your web site. Run Web | Configure Web Site Details... to check the web setup

          I have viewed so many threads on this but i have not found the solution yet and ive been working on this for a week now.

          Here are my settings.
          any help would be most grateful, i am close to jumping off a very tall building.

          HTTPPROXYPORT 80
          FTPPROXYMODE 0
          FTPPROXYPORT 21
          SCRIPTID 1
          SCRIPTEXT .pl
          SMTPHOST intmail
          PATHTOPERL /usr/bin/perl
          USEENHANCEFTP false
          FTPCLIENTTIMEOUT 15000
          FTPRETRYDELAY 3000
          FTPSILENT false
          SMTPAUTHREQUIRED false
          SMTPUSERNAME xxxxxxx
          SMTPPASSWORD xxxxxxx
          PATHFROMCGITOCATALOG ../acatalog/
          CODEBASE ./
          FTPHOST xxxxx
          FTPUSERNAME xxxxxx
          FTPPASSWORD xxxxxx
          PATHTOCGIBIN /public_html/cgi-bin/
          USEPASSIVEFTP true

          I have manged to upload some files to the host as i can see them in the correct folders in ftp.
          files set up on host are
          /public_html/cgi-bin/ Permissions set to 755
          /public_html/acatalog/ Permissions set to 777

          so its writing some files to the host but wont read cgi. ggggrrrr
          Im using 123reg Linux platform


            Hi Simon,

            The PATHTOCGIBIN looks wrong...

            You could first try changing it to /cgi-bin/

            If that doesn't work then please take a look at my post #46 in the thread which I posted in yesterday regarding this:


            Try following the steps I suggest, including creation of a unique FTP user just for the shop, and let us know how you get on

            I remember that chin scratching, hair pulling feeling well... it's very frustrating. Like yourself (and others) I only began experiencing problems when moving to a new host. In the end out of sheer desperation I contacted my new provider. I was skeptical at first when offered this advice, but when I implemented it all my network setting issues disappeared immediately.

            Best of luck


              123-reg are the same hosting as Heart Internet.

              If you look for the networks settings for heart they'll also work for 123-reg.


              First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                [QUOTE=Southwest Test;337498]Hi Simon,

                Try following the steps I suggest, including creation of a unique FTP user just for the shop, and let us know how you get on

                Sorry to seem a fool here but how do i create a unique ftp user on my host space?


                  You should be able to do this from your host Control Panel, Simon...

                  On cPanel the option is under 'Files' - 'FTP Accounts'

                  Other control panels may well use different wording of course



                    Hope this link helps... When selecting the directory to use with your new FTP account, choose your new shop folder, NOT the public_html (website root) folder



                      ok thanks guys, i will give it a go now and let you know how im getting on.


                        ok doing it now, creating a new ftp site,

                        In the directory settings for the new ftp, should i select <
                        Website root



                          Originally posted by Simonlee View Post
                          ok doing it now, creating a new ftp site,

                          In the directory settings for the new ftp, should i select <
                          Website root

                          Ah, you've jumped the gun very slightly You don't want to select any of those

                          Before you create the new FTP account, you need to create a fresh, new folder, which will be just for the shop. This folder needs to be within 'public_html' - i.e. one level below it.

                          Once you've created the new folder you may find that your host has automatically created a cgi-bin folder inside it... if not you'll need to do this yourself... let me know if you get stuck with that

                          You can create your new shop folder using the Control Panel - once you've created it, go back to the 'Create an FTP account' page and you should find your new shop folder listed as one of the options for the home directory



                            ok will do tha first. What permissions should the new folder have?


                              I suggest '755'

