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Configuring location address for xml sitemap with MoleEnd Mash

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    Configuring location address for xml sitemap with MoleEnd Mash

    I know this is off topic, but the support team at MoleEnd are down on numbers and can;t help me until next week at the earliest. I'd like this resolving earlier than that.

    I'm hoping somebody here has more experience with the Mole End plug-in than we do (it won't take much!)

    I'm using Product Mash v4.0.0.3 and have a query with the XML Site Map generator within it.

    How do I change the mash generated "location address" for each of the sitemap xml entries?

    Right now, the Mash generates a location address that reads

    but I would like it to read



    My current Mash code for the sitemap generator reads:-
    <loc>Your filename here</loc>

    What do I need to change to make this happen? This is obviously effecting all of my sitemap entries and the change I make needs to effect all sitemap entries for this site.

    Is it an Actinic setting I need to change or is it a Product Mash setting change required?

    Has anybody got any ideas?

    The problem is in your Actinic settings, the mash outputs the information you have put in there. in this case you probably need to change the website URL in your network settings.

    ... and before the rumours start flying around, Mole End is not short on numbers, i am just travelling at the moment, sitting in Sydney airport right now, waiting to fly to Singapore. Loving the free airport internet.

    Jan Strassen, Mole End Software - Plugins and Reports for Actinic V4 to V11, Sellerdeck V11 to V2018, Sellerdeck Cloud
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      Sorry Jan, I perhaps shouldnt have used "short on numbers" but I wanted to make it clear why I was asking this community rather than MoleEnd support route.

      Which Actinic setting are you referring to in the Network Setup? The "Website URL" under common settings? If so, I've already tried changing this and it makes no difference to the output

      Has anybody else got any experience in this or suggestions?


        Check both the CatalogURL and website URL (and CGI URL) fields to ensure they have the correct addresses i.e. with www. Also worthwhile checking the Website URL in your business settings (Company contact info) to ensure continuity across your site.
        Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
        Ecommerce Digital Marketing

        SellerDeck Responsive Web Design

        SellerDeck Hosting
        SellerDeck Digital Marketing


          I am using the settings that my host recommended.
          The present network setup settings are as follows

          Catalog URL -
          CGI_BIN URL -
          Website URL -

          What will happen to the site if I just add the "www" to each of the addresses and then refresh the site?


            What happens if you go to your website just now with the www?

            Using www and non-www has been covered, in SEO terms, elsewhere in the forum.

            To answer your "what will happen" question, all I can add is ........ one way to find out
            You can always revert back, however to get your
            with www in it you will have to change the WebsiteURL field..
            Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
            Ecommerce Digital Marketing

            SellerDeck Responsive Web Design

            SellerDeck Hosting
            SellerDeck Digital Marketing


              Thanks Fergus.
              It wasn;t the SEO side of things I was worried about, it was more to do with breaking the site!

              I'm not a competant or confident Actinic user. Even the simple changes frighten me!!!!

              I'll give it a go! The Snapshot has already been taken!!!

