Can't make Credit Card (sagepay/protx) appear as the default payment method, keeps on defulting to cash/bacs (only two payment methods available)
I have
You name it, I've done it (or at least I think I have)
prepared to try other things / repeat things (that I may have done but not seen the change the first time round)
now where do I look please
Can't make Credit Card (sagepay/protx) appear as the default payment method, keeps on defulting to cash/bacs (only two payment methods available)
I have
- searched the forums
- looked at textID 1952, 1953 and 1954 (and taken them into account)
- looked at the Advanced User Guides
- cleared my cookies (every time I adjust anything)
- adjusted the order of my payment methods to ensure credit card is 1st, cash is second (only two payment methods)
- cash has the FallBack flag ticked
- considered adding my $nDefault = "22"; to the scripts but NOT yet done so
- looked for 1954 withinPL scripts, found in ao000001.pl ao000002.pl ao000003.pl but not alltered them
You name it, I've done it (or at least I think I have)
prepared to try other things / repeat things (that I may have done but not seen the change the first time round)
now where do I look please