I have also found it doesn’t work as well in Internet Explorer which accounts for 12% of my traffic.
The Swift template does indeed seem to have compatibility issues with IE11, most noticeably erratic column counts on section pages. Products are supposed to display in 4 columns, but in IE11 each row can have 1, 2 or 3 columns, apparently on a random basis.
For example, this page on Sellerdeck's own demonstration site shows, instead of a row of 4 products, one row with 3 and one with 1: https://swift.sellerdeck.co.uk/acatalog/Rings.html.
The issue is more pronounced with a larger number of products, as on this page on my test site: https://www.tortoys.co.uk/acatalog/t...and-Buses.html. As you scroll down, some rows have 3 products, some 2, and some 1.
Both of these pages display correctly with 4 columns per row in Edge, Chrome and Firefox.
I'll raise this issue with Sellerdeck, although I suspect I'll be told that it's not a problem because IE11 is obsolete. However, a significant number of customers still use it and as far as I can see Microsoft are continuing support for IE11 on Windows 10 until October 2025.