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Swift product list corner image

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    Swift product list corner image

    Hi everyone

    I am trying to set up a layout and variable in Sellerdeck so that i can choose to add a 'corner image' to draw attention to a certain product or two. See the image below, yellow triangle.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	corner_image_1.jpg
Views:	256
Size:	106.7 KB
ID:	555428

    I played around with some code and have got something to work as i would hope it would look using firefox developer tools, and whilst i have tried to recreate this in sellerdeck, i am strggling to locate the exact place to put my code! I can only assume it has something to do with the filtering being default view?

    When i place my layout in Filtered Product Summary, it shows in the preview, and in offline page preview, but is then not uploaded when i publish the changes. See below.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	corner_image_3.jpg
Views:	190
Size:	124.8 KB
ID:	555429

    I have created a layout that defaults to no value, and a variable set to product level to allow me to choose an image to show in the top left corner.

    HTML Code:
    <div style="z-index:200; position:absolute; float:left; clear:both; width:50%;">
    <img src="<actinic:variable name="ProductListCornerImage" />">
    Can anyone suggest something that I have not thought of?

    Thank you in advance! Adam

    When i place my layout in Filtered Product Summary
    Herein lies the key. Filtered results are javascript generated so usual coding will not work.

    I had a similar problem trying to add a 'Hot Seller' to Filtered Results. Things are easier in v18 than they were though:

    Firstly have a read of: 'Help | Help Topics | Contents | Step by Step Guides | Online Store - Other Features | How do I add my own variables to the search results page?'
    Secondly BlockIfs work off line and will not work in filtered results on a live site

    This from Gary in Support:

    go to 'Design | Library | Variables' and open the variable 'ShowHotSeller'.

    Ensure that the following options are selected: -
    • Searchable (Site, Section and Product variables only)
    • Upload

    Go to the 'Layouts' tab and take a backup copy of the 'Standard Javascript Header Functions' layout.

    Then open the 'Standard Javascript Header Functions' layout and add the following code to the end of the template : -

    <script type="text/javascript"> function ShowHotSellerImg(bShow) { if (bShow) { return('<p><img class="__mce_add_custom__" src="hot_seller.jpg" width="146" height="56" /></p>'); } return (''); } </script>
    and click 'OK' to apply the changes.

    Then scroll down to the group 'Search Results' and expand it, and make a copy of 'Standard Search Result'.

    Then open the layout 'Standard Search Result' and add

    <Actinic:ScriptFunctionCall>ShowHotSellerImg(<actinic:variable searchresultvariable="true" name="ShowHotSeller" />)</Actinic:ScriptFunctionCall>
    Click 'OK' and upload the site and check the behaviour of the filtered search results.

    (Apply your same styling)

    I have duplicated the code to be able to select different images:

    <script type="text/javascript"> function ShowHotSellerImg(bShow) { if (bShow)    {    return('<p><img class="__mce_add_custom__"  src="<actinic:variable name="HotSellerImage" />" /></p>');    }return ('');} </script><script type="text/javascript"> function ShowBestSellerImg(bShow) { if (bShow)    {    return('<p><img class="__mce_add_custom__"  src="<actinic:variable name="BestSellerImage" />" /></p>');    }return ('');} </script>
     <Actinic:ScriptFunctionCall>ShowHotSellerImg(<actinic:variable searchresultvariable="true" name="ShowHotSeller" />)</Actinic:ScriptFunctionCall> <Actinic:ScriptFunctionCall>ShowBestSellerImg(<actinic:variable searchresultvariable="true" name="ShowBestSeller" />)</Actinic:ScriptFunctionCall>
    It's a while since I did this and I have not retested but this might put you in the right direction.
    Jonathan Chappell
    Website Designer
    SellerDeck Website Designer
    Actinic to SellerDeck upgrades
    Graphicz Limited -


      Thanks Jonathan, that's really useful. I'll take a look at the resources you suggest and have a go at the code changes above.


        Hi Jonathan, I wonder if you could help a little further with this one. I am struggling to understand the steps after updating the 'Standard Javascript Header Functions' layout and the 'Search Results' layout.

        I have changed the code to be the following, so it is relevant:
        <script type="text/javascript"> function MapOfMonthImg(bShow) { if (bShow) { return('<p><img class="cornerimage" src="map_of_month.png" width="100" height="100" /></p>'); } return (''); } </script>
        <Actinic:ScriptFunctionCall>MapOfMonthImg(<actinic:variable searchresultvariable="true" name="MapOfMonth" />)</Actinic:ScriptFunctionCall>
        I think i need a bit of help to understand what to do next. How does the image get placed/called to the relevant product?

        My variable, MapOfMonth, is set to product level and is a true/false variable. So, I can choose what product(s) to be map of the month. But how is the .png placed on these products?

        Would you be able to offer a bit of a guide to what i should do next? To my mind, there has to be something in the Filtered Product Summary layout that is populated by an image if True is selected?



          Hi, i have managed to get this to work now which I am pleased with. I was basically there but needed to relocate the Search Results piece of code to Standard Search Result List layout and then apply the styling I had used in my first attempt.

          Next up, tweaking to allow a choice of image when required.



            Hi Adam

            I was just about to reply when I see that you have resolved it. Search results and Filtered search results in Sellerdeck take some getting used to!

            Well done!
            Jonathan Chappell
            Website Designer
            SellerDeck Website Designer
            Actinic to SellerDeck upgrades
            Graphicz Limited -


              Yes, it sure does, and im almost certain my result was in some part luck based!

              I am moving on to the second part shortly, being able to show a different image if a variable criteria is met. Do you know if the variable has to be a true/false variable? Or can it be a variable that uses a list of choices?

              So, in practice, we sell map sets, and i would like to display a map set with a black corner triangle. I already have a property called Product Type, of which there is Map, Map Set, Tee Shirt, etc etc. Could I use that property instead of another true/false one? and if so, how would the code change?

              This would save me duplicating information that a product already has.

              Just a thought!


                TBH I don't know. You will have to try!
                Jonathan Chappell
                Website Designer
                SellerDeck Website Designer
                Actinic to SellerDeck upgrades
                Graphicz Limited -

