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Register for an account with “minimum order value” not being met

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    Register for an account with “minimum order value” not being met

    Client has a ‘Register for an account’ page as per the KB. It has worked fine apparently until a recent upgrade. Now it has stopped working due to the “minimum order value” not being met - see image.

    He has this set in the ordering tab.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	minimum-order-value-not-being-met-set.jpg
Views:	88
Size:	23.8 KB
ID:	556446

    Is there any way we can ‘exempt’ a product from the ‘Minimum Order Value’ setting?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	minimum-order-value-not-being-met-ii.jpg
Views:	94
Size:	27.6 KB
ID:	556445
    Thank you!
    Attached Files
    Jonathan Chappell
    Website Designer
    SellerDeck Website Designer
    Actinic to SellerDeck upgrades
    Graphicz Limited -

    We used to use a discount code that got around this problem... but it no longer works since the upgrade from 8.06 to 8.22

    I raised a support ticket and this was the last response:

    The software has determined that “Min Order Value” is now working as originally envisioned
    Min Order Value: ‘'Set the minimum order value that you want your customers to reach before they place an order online. This is the total value including any discounts.'

    I understand you may argue that discounts to lower the order value below the “Min Order Value” should be able to override this value however this is the current shopping cart logic.

    If you like I can raise a usability bug I.E.

    “Min Order Value” requires a flag that allows a merchant to override the default behavior for carts with discounts applied.

    I said yes to the raise a usability bug.

    Exempting an item would work for us too.


      Thank you! I have asked Gary to raise it as a bug also.
      Best wishes.
      Jonathan Chappell
      Website Designer
      SellerDeck Website Designer
      Actinic to SellerDeck upgrades
      Graphicz Limited -


        I delved in my files and found that Gary in support had previously fixed it!

        He sent this to add in at around line 2345

        # exclude buyers limit check for "Register for an Account" product
        my $nCartListCount = scalar @$pCartList;
        my $bCheckBuyerLimit = $::TRUE;
        if($nCartListCount == 1)
        my ($pOrderDetails) = $pCartList->[0];
        if ($pOrderDetails->{'PRODUCT_REFERENCE'} eq '1485')
        $bCheckBuyerLimit = $::FALSE;
        # For B2B check shopping cart total against buyers limit
        if ($bCheckBuyerLimit)
        ($Status, $sHTML) = ActinicOrder::CheckBuyerLimit($::g_sCartId,'',$::TRUE); # Check buyer cash limit
        if ($Status != $::SUCCESS) # error out
        return ($::BADDATA,$sHTML);
        return ($::SUCCESS, "", 0, 0);
        Here are the patched v18.2.2 and the one from the earlier version edited by Gary version number '$Revision: 43542 $ ';

        Save files, and rename by removing the .txt ignoring any warning. Use Notepad++ or WinMerge to see the differences from your original versions.

        To use operationally remove the -v1822-patched and save in the site folder replacing the one that is there (Take A SNAPSHOT FIrst!)

        The file will need repatching on any Sellerdeck upgrade.

        (Anyone with Support it is SDCS-56789)
        Jonathan Chappell
        Website Designer
        SellerDeck Website Designer
        Actinic to SellerDeck upgrades
        Graphicz Limited -

