If you're using Swift V2, you may have noticed some illegible text in Cookie Preferences:

This is created and displayed by a third party, but the formatting can be corrected by adding some css to the bottom of the Swift Stylesheet (AKA Current Stylesheet in Design mode). Thank you to Gary Green at Sellerdeck for pointing this out. The css I've added is:
Also, if you'd like to strike a blow against American cultural imperialism and have "Cookies Preferences Centre" as the default heading instead of "...Center", go to the layout "UXHeadCode Swift" and find this line (line 35 out-of-the-box):
Carefully edit the "language":"en" bit to read "language":"en_gb"
The end result should look like this:

As always, back things up before changing them, no warranty implied, don't blame me etc.
This is created and displayed by a third party, but the formatting can be corrected by adding some css to the bottom of the Swift Stylesheet (AKA Current Stylesheet in Design mode). Thank you to Gary Green at Sellerdeck for pointing this out. The css I've added is:
.termsfeed-com---pc-dialog .cc-cp-body-tabs-item-link { height: inherit !important; line-height: 1.5 !important; } .termsfeed-com---pc-dialog .cc-cp-foot-save { height: 50px !important; line-height: 1.5 !important; }
cookieconsent.run({"notice_banner_type":"headline","consent_type":"express","palette":"light","language":"en","page_load_consent_levels":["strictly-necessary"],"notice_banner_reject_button_hide":false,"preferences_center_close_button_hide":false,"website_name":"<actinic:variable name="WebSiteURL" />"});
The end result should look like this:
As always, back things up before changing them, no warranty implied, don't blame me etc.