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Catalog link - invalid syntax error

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    Catalog link - invalid syntax error

    We recently upgraded from 6 to 7 and now we have a problem with some links in the site.

    When you click the link from the brochure home page (also our site index page) to go to the Catalog store page, the link is broken and a message of Invalid Syntax Error appears in IE. The same applies to some links to other store pages from home page fragments.

    I have a nasty feeling I did something wrong when we upgraded, as I recall agreeing to a warning message about overwriting a page called index?

    Any thoughts??
    Country Toys online toy shop

    The links you are having the problem with are probably of the form:


    i.e. they are taking you into the store via the Perl scripts.

    Have you done a 'Web | Refresh Website' since uploading in order to ensure the latest Perl files are on the web? This will probably fix it.

