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6.gif was not found

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    6.gif was not found

    I recently tried to export a snap shot and an error 2 came up saying 6.gif was not found. The only thing I did before that was partition my back-up flash memory card.

    What is this file and what is the best way to get it back?

    Thanks for your help in advance.


    That isn't a file supplied by Actinic. It must be something to do with your custom design.

    It is either a file referred to in one of your templates, or it is the value of a custom property - and you have 'File Name' selected for that custom property. Try doing a search in your 'Site1' folder for files that reference '6.gif'.

    If you have Access 2000 you can open your ActinicCatalog.mdb file and search for a '6.gif' value in the 'ProductProperties' table. The 'sProductRef' column will tell you where you have defined this.



      Thanks Chris for your response.

      I searched for a file by the name of 6.gif but could not find any in Site 1.

      The error says (File ExportFiles.cpp, Line 528) - The file F:\Program\Actinic Ecommerce v6\Sites\Site1\6.gif was not found System error 2 - The system cannot find the file specified.

      I suspect it is a problem with an image that I tried to put in the full description. Until I purchase Access 2000, is it OK to back up and update the site with that error?

      While I'm on the subject. Can you tell me why I have 2 products next to each other one shows the image and the other shows the box with the red x.

      This one is OK
      Flag terminals looks like this:
      !!<<BR><img src="Eclipseflag.jpg" >>!!

      This one has the box/red x (ignore image mispell - the image name matches)
      Uninsulated flag terminals look like this:
      !!<<BR><img src="ECLIPSEflagunisnsulated.jpg" >>!!
      If I put the above image into the popup image field the image shows up there but not in the full description. This is on the web and if I preview.

      Thanks again.

      Any ideas?


        I suspect it is a problem with an image that I tried to put in the full description. Until I purchase Access 2000, is it OK to back up and update the site with that error?
        Yep - it is not a critical error. You can backup and restore no problem.
        This one has the box/red x (ignore image mispell - the image name matches)
        Try including the image into 'Advanced | Additional Files' and also copy the actual image manually into the 'PreviewHTML' sub-folder and see if that helps it appear during the preview.

