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Smart Theme and text navigation

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    Smart Theme and text navigation

    I have just purchased Actinic developer having developed a site about 3 years ago on version 4!
    I have done a lot of work on a couple of other sites to get good search engine positioning and feel that text links to other sections (rather than image links) will give an extra "google credit" to your overall ranking. To this end I want a theme that will give a text navigation ability in a left hand menu.
    I have been looking at the smart theme which seems to fit the bill but when I use this and click on one of the sections from the left hand menu, it seems to run a CGI script (as it gives the warning message to this effect as I haven't got perl running on the machine I am using). Looking further into this I find that there is some code which creates Yahoo sections, whatever they are.
    1. What is the best theme to use that will give the text links I am seeking similar to the way the smart theme looks? (I like how the products appear in a nice border in this theme)
    2. As an aside what is this Yahoo section thingy majiggy?
    I have experience of html, but my java and cgi is limited. I think raw html is better for search engine ranking IMHO.

    Andrew Fish
    For all your battery requirements at prices less than in the high street.
    "Batteries without the overcharging"

    Hi Andrew

    1. If you like the Smart theme, then what i could suggest is opening the Act_Primary.html in dreamweaver. You will see the javascript symbol to where the section list are, simply delete this symbol and in its place type in 'NETQUOTEVAR:TOPLEVELSECTIONSTOP' (without the quotes )

    This will now provide you will the section text and links without using perlscripts. The only disadvantage to this, is that it will not display subsections.

    2. The Yahoo Section list, is another javascript showing the sections with a large font, and the subsection showing in a smaller font

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      Dont worry about the cgi script message this wont happen when the site is published.

      Yahoo sections are already in the "Smart" and "Best Seller" themes by default so start with one of those for your store design. If you use 'NETQUOTEVAR:TOPLEVELSECTIONSTOP' and brouchure pages links wont appear in your home page.
      Owner of a broken heart


        Naddeem and Gary,
        Thanks for your replies. I will look at this as soon as I can once I can get the day job out of the way ;-)
        One more question, I think it is important to have an "TITLE=" tag reference on each of the text links in the left bar. How can I achieve this and give each text link a "TITLE=" tag which would be equal at least to the text represented by each of the text links and preferably something more informative?

        Ad<Thanks>vance ;-)

        Andrew Fish
        For all your battery requirements at prices less than in the high street.
        "Batteries without the overcharging"


          Further Question, Smart Theme and spidering

          I am concerned about using this Smart theme despite really liking the way it looks. My concern is the left hand bar which has the categories listed, as I have previously posted, runs a cgi script rather than linking to a specific page. Presumably this means that spiders like Google bot will not spider the pages which these "links" refer to?
          How can I maintain the look and feel of this theme but have a left hand navigation (text bar) which points to the appropriate html page, so I can give each link a TITLE= description and so that the follow on pages get spidered and added to the google database?

          Andrew Fish
          For all your battery requirements at prices less than in the high street.
          "Batteries without the overcharging"


            Make sure you have a sitemap link on the homepage which google will spider.
            Owner of a broken heart


              Sorry, I should have mentioned that I realise that having a sitemap link on the home page would mean that all the pages get indexed, but the other issue is that when these pages do got spidered they will not rank as high as if they had the simple HREF tag with TITLE= type link, rather than the CGI sript links which are evident within this smart theme.
              I won't get to do some more digging on this until the weekend, but there must be a theme, or a way to achieve the same look and feel of the left hand navigation bar which the smart theme uses, but by utilising "normal" HREF elements.

              Andrew Fish
              For all your battery requirements at prices less than in the high street.
              "Batteries without the overcharging"


                The javascript-generated section list will not use standard HTML links into your sections. It will always use the cgi-ones as these work for logged-in customers and non-logged in customers.

                The only way to get a list in the way you want will probably be to write-it yourself - optimising each link for search engines.

