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Multiple [LINK]s from a fragment

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    Multiple [LINK]s from a fragment


    I would like to be able to have more than a single [LINK] variable substitution from within a page fragment but can't find any way to do this.

    The nearset I can get is to use multiple frags and to try to get them to layout such that the content looks contiguous.

    However, I can't find out how to modify the default template that defines the fragment HTML. In particular, the default grey <HR> separator couldn't be changed even though I edited every occurrence in every template file.

    Eventually, I found that item 2282 in the design/options/text display contains the definition of the <HR> that is used here. By changing that to "" I can remove the separator and get close to what I want although each frag is still displayed in it's own table of course.

    So, I either need to be able to extend the [LINK] functionality so support [LINK1] - [LINKn] within a single frag or find out how to get finer control over the construction of the frag template.

    Bernie Jones

    Hi Bernie,

    I'm afraid you can only have one instance of [LINK] within a fragment via the actinic user interface.

    However within the description of a fragment, you can embed html in here. So if you knew html, then you could have multiple href links within the description.

    To find out more about Embedding html, please go to "Help | Help Content". Click on the "Content" tab on the helpfile, click the plus sign next to "Editing Html" and you will find "Embedding Html"

    I'm afraid this is the only way to achieve multiple links.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      Thanks Nadeem,

      Before I decide which way to go, can you comment on the other half of my question - how to control the separation between fragments?

      Discovering that item 2282 happened to be the <HR> separator between fragments was just achieved by luck! It would be good to know how I can get complete control over the html that surrounds the fragment body.

      It seems that unlike other parts of the catalog pages, the fragment html is not defined in a template but generated dynamically by pulling the constituent parts direct from the database. If I knew more about this mechanism then I think that I'd be able to get better control of the layout.




        Before I decide which way to go, can you comment on the other half of my question - how to control the separation between fragments?
        Fragments on a page are laid out within a single table. The <tr> and <td> definition for the table are included as part of the fragment templates themselves. The <table> </table> code that goes at the beginning and the end of this table comes from Act_BrochurePrimary.html (for brochure pages) and Act_ProductBody.html (for store pages). Look for code that looks like this:
        <table width="CUSTOMVAR:ACTSTDWIDTH" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="0" cols="3">NETQUOTEVAR:BROCHUREBODY</table>
        or this:
        Reducing the cellpadding would help bring your fragments closer together.


          Thanks Chris, so it should just be the cell spacing and the way that <HR> is interpreted by the browser?

          In the case of IE, it seems to ignore some of the format commands eg:

          <HR style="margin:0; padding:0 color:yellow; background:yellow; border:0; height:10px" />
          <HR style="margin:0; padding:0 color:yellow; background:yellow; border:0; height:10px" />

          will have a gap between the two lines in IE but not in Fiirefox/Navigator.

          As a matter of interest can you confirm that item 2282 is used for the fragment separator? In the advanced guide it's only described as separating the add-to-cart button. So, if it's used in multiple places any change I make to it to change the fragment layout will affect other areas.




            Thanks Chris, so it should just be the cell spacing and the way that <HR> is interpreted by the browser?
            I'm afraid the only answer I can give to that is 'probably'.
            <HR style="margin:0; padding:0 color:yellow; background:yellow; border:0; height:10px" />
            Youare missing a semi-colon after 'padding: 0'.
            As a matter of interest can you confirm that item 2282 is used for the fragment separator? In the advanced guide it's only described as separating the add-to-cart button. So, if it's used in multiple places any change I make to it to change the fragment layout will affect other areas.
            Yep - this <HR> is used just above the single add to cart button, when there is only a single add to cart button on a page, and also between fragments. It is not used anywhere else.


              Whoops! didn't see the missing ';' Doesn't make any difference to IE though

              Thanks for clarifying the useage of 2282

