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V7 Sage Link Automated Stock

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    V7 Sage Link Automated Stock

    There is an issue with Sage Link to V7 upon stock monitoring.

    In the accounts (Sage) system you may have stock or non-stock items, however when you import the data to Actinic all products are read as stock items and hence, as your stock level is zero on non-stock products, the item on Actinic shows "Out of Stock".

    You can do two things - set the suspend level to 'below nil' / 'negative a squillion' or manually uncheck each box for each product, eh no...

    Even with automated stock monitoring disabled this is still an issue, so unfortunately you lose stock control in Actinic upon your stock items as the workaround affects warning levels for all products. Until you download your orders, export to Sage, import to Actinic, update the site .. stock levels are out of date.

    I'm sure we were promised a fix on this some time ago...

    Hi David

    I'm sure we were promised a fix on this some time ago...
    I'm checking with development regarding this issue.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development

