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2 pixel gap

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    2 pixel gap

    hey everyone, just a quick question but I was wondering if anybody has had the problem of a 2 pixel gap underneath an image. it appears to be coming from the Act_LogoImage.html template. I haven't had a chance to set up hosting yet and am just using preview mode which will naturally put in all of the <!-- Comments that aren't displayed --> and the <Actinic:.... tags. I was wondering if it could possibly be these?

    As you say not online yet, but when you say 2pixel gap, are you saying that it is 2 pixel, or is this an estimate...

    The best way to locate an offending space or line break etc is to switch off the feature to compact html in the design options and then look at the source of the page once generated to see if it is being generated in a separate template...

    Barring that, I think you would need to put it up somewhere so that it can be looked at to see if it is identifiable I am afraid..


      You can also edit Act_LogoImage.html to remove the comments and any unneeded linebreaks/spaces.

      Then, when you compact the HTML, the space should be gone.

