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Price structures and discounting

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    Price structures and discounting

    Right this is very strange.

    We sell plant packs at 5 different delivery windows through the year. To encourage sales we offer a discount to customer who buy more than 1 pack per delivery month. Pervious pages example how this has been achieved, works very well.

    However strange problem has occurred.

    When making use of the hidden product's 'Customer message' in the price tab, use being to promote this discount using this message:-
    "Discount available if you order two or more packs for the same delivery month! Why not order with a friend!"

    It is great, under each product the message appears.

    However, once on the site, it seams to generate this scrip error.

    A General Script Error Occurred

    Error: ./acatalog/ is corrupt. The signature is invalid.
    Press the Browser back button and try again or contact the site owner

    Is this fault by association, I remove the message and it works.

    Please someone help me as it is driving me slightly mad.

    Kind regards Mash


    The only thing I can thing of is to try it without the exclamation marks. Failing that, try putting it in the full description.

