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XP accounts

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    XP accounts


    We are running v7 business.
    On our pc we have two copies of xp running.
    One copy of xp has crashed and it will now not load up. which had actinic running on one account on xp

    how can we now get actinic to work on the other copy of xp?



    When you say you have 2 copies of XP running do you mean that you have 2 user accounts or you have a dual boot system. If you have 2 user accounts, only the account that installed Actinic can run it, in which case you would need to back up your site ( with a site snapshot if you can get into actinic at all or else copy the Site 1 folder from c:\program files\actinic v7\sites\site 1 ) and uninstall the program and then reinstall from the other user account.

    If you have a dual boot system log in to the 2nd installation of xp, install the program and then copy across the site 1 folder ( this could possibly be in d:\program files\actinic v7\sites\site 1 depending on how your computer is set up )


      I have found that merely copying the registry entries for one user to another for the Catalog7 key works on XP. Of course, in this case it likely not to work since there appears to be some sort of corruption that has occurred as it won't work on the original user account.

      Andrew Fish
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      "Batteries without the overcharging"


        thanks to all that have replyed.

        It is a dual boot XP system I am running.

        When I install V7 again, will it allow me to enter in the serail number again on the same pc?


          When I install V7 again, will it allow me to enter in the serail number again on the same pc?
          Yes, but unless you have saved a snapshot of your Actinic site before the crash, you are going to have to re-build your Actinic store again from first principles. Hopefully you have a backup so this is not required.



            Can we just install actinic v7 again, then copy over the files?
            Also when actinic is closed, we select the backup option, can we use this at all to recover the site?



              That sounds fine to me.


                could you format the 1st xp partition and reinstall actinic.

                Out of interest, why are you dual booting xp with itself

