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Not showing as Out of Stock on website, but is in preview pane?

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    Not showing as Out of Stock on website, but is in preview pane?

    Pretty much as it says in the title - an item is not showing as Out of Stock on website, but is in preview pane? It doesn't show as out of stock if you run a preview of the whole catalog either.

    If you try to order one on the website, it gives you the error that this item is out of stock, but still doesn't show it as out of stock where the add to cart button is.

    Any ideas? Other items on my site are showing as out of stock ok.

    I have a similar problem except that the live website doesnt show out of stock on any items but does show it in the preview panel? mmmm I have stock monitoring switched on and set stock level to zero to test it out. Hmmmm.


      Could you please post up URLs that show the problem? Thanks


        No Need to Chris. I have it all up and running. Didn't switch on Stock Monitoring..... Doh!!!!!! Thanks anyway.

