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Editing Quantity Field

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    Editing Quantity Field

    I'm having a bit of a problem making changes to the Quantity option that shows on the product pages.

    At the moment I have the word "Quantity" with a large rectangular box underneath for customers to input the number of items they want.

    I would like to change this to the word "QTY" with a much smaller box to the right hand side of this word on the same line. At present the "Quantity box" is so big it holds 17 digits! I want to resize it to hold 2 or 3 digits.

    I did a search for the word Quantity in Design/Text and replaced with QTY but this didn't seem to do anything at all. (At least on the product page!)

    Can anyone advise as to what I need to edit to make these changes?


    Myles Sinclair

    The word "Quantity:" on your product pages comes from Design / Text / Phase -1, ID 166. The text field is usually only 4 digits wide and comes from Phase -1 ID, 2173 .

    If changing these has no effect then someone has customised your product templates to replace NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTQUANTITY with alternative code.

    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Hi Norman,

      The first time I tried this, I found two references for "Quantity". One at ID: 159 and the other as you mention at ID:166. I changed them both, then changed them back when it didn't seem to work.

      However, I think I must have forgotten to "apply" the second reference ID:166 as it has now changed the text to QTY: The box has also reduced in size to hold 9 digits. The code that shows for reference ID:2173 is as follows:-

      %s<INPUT TYPE=text NAME="%s" SIZE="4" VALUE="%d">
      Which from what you say sounds to be correct.

      I'm not sure why the Quantity box is showing this size of 9 digits long, although it has reduced dramatically, having edited the word "Quantity" to "QTY"

      I have edited the template Act_productline, but I've been careful to replace the Netquotevars. including the Netquotevar:Productquantity

      That particular cell contains the following code:


      It's not because I've specified a cell width is it?




        O.K. I've taken out the cell width and the word "QTY" is now on the same line as the box. So one down, one to go. If I can only get the box smaller!

        Best wishes,



          Try playing with the SIZE="4" fragment and see what happens.

          Or you could amend that parameter to include some inline CSS style.

          E.g. for 40 pixels wide:-

          %s<INPUT TYPE=text NAME="%s" style="width: 40px" VALUE="%d">

          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


            Thanks Norman,

            Excellent advice as always. I reduced the Size "4" fragment to 1 but the box was still coming out a bit longer than I really wanted (four or five digits in length). So I've used the inline CSS style as you've suggested. Opting for 25px has resulted in a box that takes three digits. Spot on!

            I've also managed to lose the word "price", but that was much easier to do, using Design/Options/Site Default/ and taking out the word "price" from the product price description.

            It seems that I'm getting really close now to the look that I want to achieve.

            Thanks to you again and to everyone else who has helped me get this far.

            Best wishes,


