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Shipping and Checkout options

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    Shipping and Checkout options

    Hi there,

    Is it possible to setup the chekout part of the site to just offer 3 options? rather than all the countries?

    I want to be able to just offer 3 options to sort out the tax and shipping charge.. i.e.

    UK - 2.50 - Taxed
    EU - 2.50 - Taxed
    All others - 5.00 - Not taxed

    I dont really want to list all the countries...


    Hi Stu

    In order to do this, you would firstly need to add EU and All others to the list of locations in Advanced | Locations.

    Then, go to View | Business Settings | Tax, and for the EU tax zone, if Edit the zone, and remove all the zone members, and then put in the EU as the only zone member.

    Then for No tax levied, if you edit the zone members, and add All others, then check the box 'Do not allow non of the above as a zone member'.

    That will get it displaying the way you want it to on your site, all you need to do now is set up the shipping costs against each of these 3 zones in View | Business settings | Shipping and handling.

    So the uk has a shipping charge of ?2.50, EU - ?2.50, and All others - ?5.00.

    The other thing you may want to change is the text that says 'country' alongside the drop down box to something more meaningfull (select location for example). You can do this by going to Desing | Text | GOTO, Phase=-1, ID=192

    Hope that helps


      I'll be sure to give that a go.. thanks for your help...


