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No Receipt Page showing

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    No Receipt Page showing

    I'm just testing my shopping cart at the moment and although I can place an order for which notification is successfully emailed to me, the process seems to stall and freeze on the penultimate page.

    After entering credit card details and clicking next, I get the message "Order Sent. Thank you". "Your receipt will be displayed shortly"

    Unfortunately the receipt doesn't display! All the buttons are greyed out at this stage and the only way back is using the browser back button.

    The site is on Actinics test server at this address.

    Please ignore the content if you visit as I am concentrating on design and function at the moment.

    Can anybody advise if there is something I've forgotten to tick, or if there's an easy fix for this?

    Many thanks

    Myles Sinclair

    P.s. Does Actinic include some online validation of credit cards? I wasn't able to make up numbers for the card. It knew the numbers were bogus! Of course I fooled it on the expiry date and security numbers!

    Actinic uses mathematical equations to confirm that the card being suggested as being used is indeed inline with what the card number should be, whereas months of start/expire and CVV2 info is not a mathematical equation


      Sorry, I also tried placing an order on the trial site and after placing in the cc details it then got stuck as you explained.

      Afraid, you will need to speak with Actinic on this one as something is not forwarding on as it should, which we would be guessing without being able to see the error log (if there is one), so Actinic will need to assist on this one, unless you have done anything with the likes of the ONLOAD in the BODY part of your templates, inwhich case add the Actinics own Onload="NETQUOTEVAR:ONLOAD" into the front of the body tag - but a guess..



        Thanks for taking a look at this. The only editing I've done in this area is the Act_primaryCheckout. But that was just to change the look of the pages. I've commented out the Simple Search and the basket below it. I haven't touched any other Netquotevars.

        I'll lodge a query with Actinic as you suggest.

        Many thanks



          It is this checkout template page that you have amended which is causing the problem....

          You might want to revert to an original checkout template and redo the changes just to be certain..


            No Joy on this one. I reinstated the original template for
            Act_Primarycheckout, but the problem persists.

            Plus I've noticed that a confirmation email is not being sent to the client, and the original order remains in the basket when revisiting the page! Not good.

            A case of woe, woe, and thrice woe.

            I've registered this one with Actinic, so 48 hours from now....

            Best wishes,



              This problem is now sorted. I hadn't included details for the SMTP server in Network settings.

              For testing site using Actinic server, the name for SMTP is localhost. No password or username required.

              If your site is on another server you will need to check the details from your webhost as to the details required for SMTP settings.

              Hope this helps anyone with the same problem.


