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Offline order numbers ?

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    Offline order numbers ?


    I have just upgraded to V7 Catalog today, particularly as I have a lot of offline orders.

    I have just tried my first offlline order and it has generated an invoice reference of D000000000001 - this is not what I was expecting - I was hoping that it would generate an order number to tie in with existing numbers and carry on the sequential numbers.

    Am I doing something wrong? If this is how it works I am not going to be happy!

    Any advice?


    The Offline orders using a prefix that you assign, but it does not tie in with the Actinic sites numbering, as it is designed to be easily identifiable as an offline order as opposed to online received order, plus there is no way that the local pc will know how many orders have transpired since the last download of your orders to be able to maintain a single stream of consecutive numbers I am afraid - Sorry

    If you go into View | Business Settings | Order Processing tab you will find the Order Number Prefix that you can assign, plus the Starting Sequence Number.

