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One product many prices - possible?

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    One product many prices - possible?

    Hi forum.

    Just setting up actinic and need the ability for the price of the product to change depending on what choice is taken from the drop doen menu.

    EG product is Yellow jacket

    Choices could be small / medium / large. Prices respectively could be £10, £20, £30.

    How do I set this up so the product price changes to reflect the choice made?


    To do this you need to make each of the choices a component and assign the correct price to each component. If you set the pricing option to be 'Sum of Components prices' then the cart will show the correct price.

    As far as I know there is no way for actinic to change the price displayed on the product page, so I always include the price in the product description in the drop down menu.

    i.e. the drop down menu should say:

    'Small - £10.00'
    'Medium - £20.00'
    'Large - £30.00'

    For the best results I always make each choice/component be a hidden product with with it's own full name. You can then set it so that the component name is used in the cart and invoice. So in this example I'd create three hidden products called 'Yellow jacket (Small)', 'Yellow jacket (Medium)' and 'Yellow Jacket (Large)'.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


