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Cookie Paranoia and Firewalls

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    Cookie Paranoia and Firewalls

    Hi All,

    The spread of Broadband has brought an increasing usage of various firewalls.

    When setting these up a user can easily inhibit the action of cookies as this seems to be the safest and most secure option. I expect a lot of customers are both uncertain as to the need for cookies and harbour a deep suspicion that they are a potential threat that needs to be blocked.

    Is there anyway of determining how many customers are having their shopping experience terminated because of blocked cookies. Not only is this bad for trade at that moment it does not look good in general. Sadly customers and in particularly new customers rarely make contact with the trader when problems occur.

    The cookie error message produced is, like V4, sadly out of date as the problem is just as likely to be firewall related as it is to be browser setting related. Can this messge be modified and if not could the error be trapped and a different error page presented.

    I need to find out if and how badly a site is being impacted by this problem.

    If there is no easy way, I would be prepared to alter scripts so any pointers regarding the coding would be warmly received.

    Also if anyone else has been impacted by this problem I would like to here your thoughts and suggestions.

    Best Wishes

    Alex Harvey

    Hi Alex

    Firstly actinic needs cookies enabled for the shop to function. If this is not allowed, then you can not progress into the shop when adding to cart.

    Is there anyway of determining how many customers are having their shopping experience terminated because of blocked cookies
    Possibly through a statistic package provided by your hosting company.

    The cookie error message produced is, like V4, sadly out of date as the problem is just as likely to be firewall related as it is to be browser setting related. Can this messge be modified
    This message can only be modified by going to the following; Go to "Design | Option | Advance: Language"

    Click on the "Misc." subtab and do a search for "Cookie". It should give you the cookie error message. You can modify this prompt.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development

