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bread crumb trail

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    bread crumb trail


    I'm still playing around with Actinic Business before starting a proper build.

    I have added a bread crumb trail to my on-line store which works fine for all pages apart from shop.html, the start of the store.

    By my logic the breadcrumb trail should show as 'on-line store' on this page but it shows nothing, on sections below it shows the page you are currently on in the breadcrumb. Is there any way to correct this?

    You can see what I mean at if you click on any of the links the 'On-line store' appears in the breadcrumb, just not at the top level.



    The breadcrumb trail is only shown once you are two levels into the site structure, so wont show the top as that is where you are at, but I know where you are coming from with this.

    The way we overcome it is once the design is completed, i.e. you are at the stage that no more template alterations is required is to save the Act_Primary.html template as Act_PrimaryTop.html and edit this where you find:

    NETQUOTEVAR:HEADERTEXT with an addition of

    My Home Page > NETQUOTEVAR:HEADERTEXT for example.

    Save that and then go into Design | Options | Layouts and assign the Act_PrimaryTop.html as the layout for the Front Page Layout.

    This all said, it will depend on what theme you are using as to whether the HEADERTEXT is referenced in the Act_Primary or Act_Header, so positioning in the Act_Primary might need trial and error to get the same position, but the primary is where you will need to put it, as this is the only overall layout you can copy and use differently in layout options.

