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Sage Link

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    Sage Link

    A few problems with Sage Link to Actinic, some we've discussed before and a new one...

    (1) Should a product have a zero value then Link refuses to export it as the line value is nil.

    Ok so why would you ever want to do this you ask? Well it's not all just about sales it's also about supply, sometimes you want to issue free stock or keep your offices stocked up with say pens from the warehouse. This is simply acheived by either setting that product at zero value and only showing on certain price lists or having a schedule which multiplies by zero...

    (2) Overflow errors, these are becoming a right pain in ass ... excuse my Transalvanian but we've been at these gates for months.

    The problems seems to be related to anything not of the norm. As an example you make a small change in Sage or Actinic to a linked product or client, or if you try and sell a product made up of components and the product price. With the second example you can reindex your data all week long and it'll still overflow on export...

    (3) Customer changes in Sage, linked logic.

    The customer records seem to be compared in Link via the string for the customers actual name rather than the external reference. What happens is that should you alter the customer name a new one is created, rather than replaced in Actinic (even with update selected) and thus when you upload, a fulaccount.fil error is received.

    Not to seem rude but rather than tell us the development team are looking at this, do you think they could stop looking and start fixing these long running issues? I have a vase on my desk, I'm looking at that ... nope nothing happening...

    Hi David

    I understand your frustration and we really do want to get these issues resolved as soon as possible. At present we are working on improving on Support response to link questions as well as having more extensive training with the link product.

    (1) Should a product have a zero value then Link refuses to export it as the line value is nil.
    Do you get any error message with this? Please could you let us know whats happens when link refuses to export it.

    (2) Overflow errors
    I assuming you are referring for the following thread. One of our developers did try to contact you regarding this on 12/08/2004 and left his number. But no one got back to him regarding this issue.

    (3) Customer changes in Sage, linked logic.
    The following is taken from what the developer has said

    This is correct although it is not Link but Actinic who recognises
    customers by name. I'm going to raise this as bug, however I'm not sure it
    is. One may complain that he left customer name unchanged but assigned a
    new external reference and Actinic did not update the record but created a
    new one.
    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      (1) From memory, the CSV file when processed returns a message along the lines of "...failed or stopped export of customer order as line value is nil / zero..."

      (2) I have two mobiles, email, a national 08718 number and a call centre with thirty employees maning the phones... but OK. You know the problems now anyway...

      (3) As the customer record in Sage is unique that shouldn't be a problem and could also assist with the applied logic in a drop-shipping module for Actinic to identify Suppliers, as their external reference is also unique.


        Hi there

        (1) From memory, the CSV file when processed returns a message along the lines of "...failed or stopped export of customer order as line value is nil / zero..."
        Have communicated this with development, but strangely they don't get this error.

        With regards to the overflow error messages, Development would like your sage database. Please could you backup your Sage database and email me it. This is via "File | Backup" and we only need "Data files".

        Please could you email me at nrsupport [@] for this query

        Kind Regards
        Nadeem Rasool
        SellerDeck Development


          Sorry our database is confidential.

          Perhaps your developers can work with Sage to fix the problems, we havee bigger fish to fry rather than fix Actinic's problems all year... which is why we pay for cover.


          Dave Wills / CEO.


            Hi David

            I've left a message on your voicemail (on the 08718 number). I'm sorry you're experiencing these problems and thought it might be quicker to resolve some of them over the phone.

            As Nadeem's pointed out, we can't reproduce the error when exporting a product with 0 value. However, it seems more like a Sage error than one caused by Link so Sage may be able to help us if we give them the exact error message. Could you let us know the exact error message and also the version of Sage you are running.

            I can understand your concerns over the confidentiality of your database. If the overflow problem occurs when transferring data from Actinic to Sage, then we may be able to determine the cause from your .csv files, without needing the database. These are normally found in Program Files\Actinic Link\Sage Line 50\Datafiles\Site 1\Source

            Ben Popplestone
            Ecommerce website software


              I've now encountered this problem and tried the suggested fixes without success. I've registered the problem with support


                Well got a mail from support asking when this happened etc and have heard nothing since, disappointing to say the least. I am glad I could manually enter the order is this was a major issue for me I'd be tearing my hair out.


                  Hi Tony

                  I have chased this up with Email Support for you.

                  Kind Regards
                  Nadeem Rasool
                  SellerDeck Development


                    Originally posted by Nadeem
                    Hi Tony

                    I have chased this up with Email Support for you.

                    Kind Regards
                    Thanks Nadeem


                      Hi Tony

                      I don't know if you had an email, but our developer are requesting the order.csv from you.

                      We would like the customers orders csv files from the 'Backup' directory. Please could you email communityadmin [@] and please mark it for my attentation.

                      If you have already given this to email support, then please disregard this post.

                      Kind Regards
                      Nadeem Rasool
                      SellerDeck Development


                        Originally posted by Nadeem
                        Hi Tony

                        I don't know if you had an email, but our developer are requesting the order.csv from you.

                        We would like the customers orders csv files from the 'Backup' directory. Please could you email communityadmin [@] and please mark it for my attentation.

                        If you have already given this to email support, then please disregard this post.

                        Kind Regards
                        Hi Nadeem, had already sent a back up set but received no request for orders.csv. As it turns out the guys at teclan said my database was corrupted so using a brand new database. I can send the old database to you if thats any help?

