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Stock - Can it relate to Product Attributes?

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    Stock - Can it relate to Product Attributes?


    I am developing a website in Actinic which allows users to purchase shoes online.

    I have taken data from my customers system and created a hierarchical import file. The products are set out as follows...

    Product : Adidas Kick
    Attribute : Size
    Choice : 5
    Choice : 6
    Choice : 7
    Choice : 8
    Choice : 9

    I have stock amounts for each one of the available sizes. Is this possible in Actinic? I assume Actinic associates stock levels to each specific product, not to each attribute of a product?

    The only way can think of doing that is to create individual products by size which are hidden (Hide on Web Site option for a product).

    Then, create a product with the options, and assign the Component to the Hidden products via the components Product drop down.

    i.e. you might create..

    Hush size: 5
    Hush size: 6
    Hush size: 7

    Each with stocks and all that and all hide on web site set.

    Then, create a Hush Puppy Shoes etc. Create its Component, and Attribute choices and then click the Permutations in the Component and fill the list with the choices and assign the hidden products to the choices.

    Should work - I think


      Thanks for the reply mate.

      The trouble is that I am generating a hierarchical file from raw customer data, which I am planning on importing every day to refresh the stock items and levels. Therefore I dont really want to have to go in by hand, and modify items every day.

      I take it its just not possible?


        Stock - Can it relate to Product Attributes?

        It is possible. Once you've created the hidden individual products as Support@Techno- suggests, they're always there. Similarly, the relationship in the components/attributes will always be there too.

        All you need to do is update the prices for each product and the updates should also be reflected in the 'choices' for your main products.
        Pat Nelson
        vcommunity - the business to business network
        Experts in database integration for Actinic Stores

        For web hosting, visit:

        Advertise your company for £1 for a year on


          I am generating a hierarchical file from raw customer data, which I am planning on importing every day to refresh the stock items and levels
          If you are doing this via a program you might have another option but it's quite a big job.

          For each product could create an import entry with Colour and Size Attributes, both filled in for every possible value.

          Now create the HTML for a table of all colour / size combinations. In each cell with stock generate the HTML for an Add to Cart button that includes the parameters to choose that single colour / size combo. In the other cells put an Out of Stock icon or message.

          Append this HTML to the Product Description (within !!< and >!! tags) and use a template with the NETQUOTEVAR:CARTBUTTON commented out.

          If you look on Snowlines e.g. you'll see just that. Scroll down a few products and you'll see some with unavailable combinations. The data comes from their back-office Top 2 Toe EPOS system and is imported every day.

          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey



            I'm doing a similar thing. I have products which may be available in Video and/or DVD format, and want to keep them in one section and without an individual product line for each format. Where a product is available as both I have used the above method to generate radio buttons to choose the format. This looks to be working fine, but I'm trying to remove line breaks between:

            attribute name
            radio buttons
            add to cart button

            Because I've previously adjusted the Act_ProductLine table structure it may be that it's just the browser rendering the cell containing the above at a narrow width and forcing breaking at spaces, but I'm not sure, and feel it could be some <br>'s coming from the NQV.

            I think I should be looking at NQV:OtherInfoPrompt? but can't work out from Design | Text | Website | HTML whether there are any <br>'s I can remove.

            test site is here the only product set up for this is County Tractor Working Days

            Can anyone advise?

            Also, I can't seem to get the associated product price to be used, I'd like to do this as the two formats may be different prices. At the moment the price is coming from the parent product, although I have pricing set to associated product in the component permutations.

            My catalogue structure is

            County Tractor (Video) £13.58 + VAT [hidden]
            County Tractor (DVD) £13.58 + VAT [hidden]
            CountyTractor (Video or DVD) [not hidden] price currently set at £13.58, should be £0
            --Chosen [Component] price £0, 2 permutations Video and DVD, pricing 'associated product',
            --products selected from dropdown.
            ----Format [Attribute]
            ------Video [Choice]
            ------DVD [Choice]

            Thanks, Dan
            Last edited by dandelion; 26-Oct-2004, 11:24 AM. Reason: url added


              attribute name
              radio buttons
              add to cart button
              It looks like you have worked out how to close up the spaces. Nice one.
              At the moment the price is coming from the parent product, although I have pricing set to associated product in the component permutations.
              In the 'General' tab of the product ensure the 'Pricing Model' is set to 'Sum of Component Prices'.


                Thanks Chris

                That does the job.


