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uploading test script

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    uploading test script


    When running the 'Configure Web Site Details' and getting to the point where it says 'Uploading test script' I keep getting the following error,

    'An error occurred while attempting to change the permissions of the file The ftp server returned a reply code of 550. The current permissions of the file are 0700 and the required permisssions are 0755. The connection wizard will not continue'

    As far as I'm concerned nothing has changed with either the server setup or the web site...............can anyone help??

    Also when trying to download orders I'm getting no orders to retrieve whwn I know there are some. The retrieve orders box never disappears and when I cancel it I get the following,

    Too few parameters. Expected 1


    Check with your host on the ownership of files within your webspace to see if permissions or most probably ownerships have been altered somehow.

    If you have FTP access, then login using FTP and look at the directory contents and view the listings do that it shows you ownerships on user and group, which will show if incorrect ownerships are being created for some reason.


      I've just loggin in via ftp and all the associated directories are drwx------ and all the associated files are -rwx------

      does this help?????????

      Originally posted by Support@Techno-
      Check with your host on the ownership of files within your webspace to see if permissions or most probably ownerships have been altered somehow.

      If you have FTP access, then login using FTP and look at the directory contents and view the listings do that it shows you ownerships on user and group, which will show if incorrect ownerships are being created for some reason.


        That is your permission...

        Directories should be something like;


        and files

        -rw-r--r-- for html files and

        -rwxr-xr-x for cgi scripts...


          weird...........I try to change the permissions and I get 'no such file or directory'!!!!

          Clearly they asre there?????????


            If the files are there, then it looks like an Ownership problem.

            i.e. your login details do not own those files, so you can not do anything with them, and likewise any files that those files create (i.e. *.ord files) are not owned by you either, so you can not download them.

            Think you need to speak with your hosting company to be honest about the ownership of your files..


              just done a bit of a test...

              It's just the attrributes I can't change. I can upload and download to any directory.

              Every single file and directory I have is drwx------ or -rwx------

              What would stop the attributes only from being changed?????


                Ownerships would stop it..........

                A domain is created in an account on a server usually under specific ownerships, which are normally connected with the username you connect via ftp with.

                The folders may be owned by your username, which is why you can see the content, but if the httpd file that controls your domain does not have you explicitly listed as the owner of the files, then files you upload will not be owned by you, and thus you can no do anything with them.

                What did your host say?


                  it's pointless contacting fasthosts, they're a waste of space....I'm going to try moving the site to another server and if that solves the problem I'll leave it there...

                  thanks for your help


                    Ouchhhh.. There are quite a few using fasthosts that have no problems, but admit a few forum posts of late have listed them, but would have thought that they could look at this for you and give you the full low down and reset ownerships of files if need be?

