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Add to cart quantity - newbie ?

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    Add to cart quantity - newbie ?

    Helo All!

    Pardon a newbie question here! I am about to upload a sample website to the Actinic trials sections using an evaluation version of th esoftware. Once the client OKs it I will be purchasing a copy of Developer.

    Right now my store shows the default quantity of 1 in all product areas beside the "add ot cart' button. Is there a way to change thsi default to Zero?

    Thanks in advance!


    Each product has its own Details tab where you can specify exact min and max quantities on a per product basis, but for the life of me can not seem to find an option that sets this globally apart from View | Business Settings and Ordering tab which contains a misc area that you can assign Order Quantity Always One, which you must have switched on.

    Hope that this helps.


      I do not have the Order Quantity Button switched on, but in the Details for each product it will not let me set the integer to anything below 1. I guess this is what is doing that. Any other way around this?


        Yes, 1 is the minimum that can be ordered if the buy button is pressed, so the min set to 1 is correct in that respect... But, with View | Business Settings | Ordering tab and Misc area of Order Qty Always One disable, i.e. not checked should change all qty inputs to 0 by default...

        Try enabling it, and clicking Apply and then disabling it and clicking apply to see if that kicks it in...


          I tried enabling it and then turning it back off - it made no difference.

          I am, so far, just viewing it thru a "view - Offline Preview". would that make a difference?

          Thanks for the help!


            Hi Kevin

            A Quantity of 1 will always appear if you have set the shopping mode on Quantity on Product Page.

            Please check that section that its happening on (as you have already checked Design | Options | Shop Default), and see what in the Layout tab of that Section says.

            If it says Quantity on Shopping Mode, then it will alway be 1. The only way to change this to zero, would be to have the 'single add to cart button per page' ticked, or to use another shopping mode.

            Please check this. The shopping mode can be overwritten within each sections.

            Kind Regards
            Nadeem Rasool
            SellerDeck Development

