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Discount Coupon showing "NETQUOTEVAR:COUPONCODE"

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    Discount Coupon showing "NETQUOTEVAR:COUPONCODE"

    I have a suspicion that are discount coupon feature is not setup correctly..."NETQUOTEVAR:COUPONCODE" appears in the text box where you are suppose to enter the coupon code on the check out page. Further no discount information appears if a code is entered and no discounts are given at final stage of check out.....any ideas Thanx Bobby,

    Is your coupon code numerical or does it have letters in it?

    Likewise, if you enter a coupon code that does not exist in your codes, do you get an error message of "coupon code not valid" or words to that effect or does it just go on without anything being said?


      Tried both numerical and letters, and no do not show any messages what so-ever, the coupon feature seem to have null effect. Bobby


        Was this an upgrade from a previous version (say 6 etc) where the templates were converted, or maybe have you customised any of the checkout templates that could have affected the form tags ?


          Yes, we did upgrade from V6...should I try to restore original V7 check out templates, if so where will I find them? Bobby


            In the Originals folder of the v7 installation you will find Order and Cart templates under the different themes, which should do the job.

            Backup as always before hand so that you can revert if it does not work out or makes life worse.


              It turned out I still had the V6 orderscript in the site1 folder, which caused the coupon not to work. If I remember correctly I was prompted about replacing the script when upgrading from V6 to V7, because of changes made to the original file. In any way it all working fine now. Bobby

