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SecPay modified template problem

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    SecPay modified template problem


    I'm in 'test mode' using SecPay. I have modified the SecPay template and uploaded it to their server. If I type the link to it in my browser, it loads fine. However, if I put through a dummy transaction, the actinic bounce page still takes me to SecPays 'default' template.

    I have scouted the forum and found:

    1) ...renaming the file you have edited on the Secpay server to the name of the file Actinic calls.

    The file actinic calls on the SecPay server is "actinic.html". I renamed my template this and it still does not work. It did seem to work for the person who posted the problem though ??? Not sure on that one ?

    2) Act_OCCSecPayTemplate.html is a bounce page from Actinic to SecPay. The perlscript that controls the SECPay is and in this script there is the code:

    $sHiddenValues .= "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"template\" value=\"?/actinic.html\">\n";

    I know this is where the problem lies but someone on the forum posted that one needs not ament the perls script in order for it to link to the modified template on the SecPay server.???

    This is confusin co's how then would i get the actinic bounce page to link to my SecPay template and not the SecPay default template without changing the perl script ?

    Any suggestions ?


    mobilize-me ltd

    Not to worry.

    I have sorted the problem out ... but someone may want to comment if this was the correct way or if there is a better way ???

    So for the record:

    I decided to go ahead and edit the actinic OCCSecPayScriptTemplate pearl script.

    I located the following code and put my details in it as follows:

    $sHiddenValues .= "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"template\" value=\"\">\n";

    I uploaded everything with Actinic again, then uploaded my modified SecPay template to their secure server and that was it.

    mobilize-me ltd

