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Receipt amount for affiliate integration

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    Receipt amount for affiliate integration

    I am trying to integrate Actinic V7 with the affiliate system and am almost there...

    I can get the image call that sends details to their system working in order04.html and using the variable NETQUOTEVAR:NUMERICORDERTOTALCGI for the amount posts it correctly with a decimal point. I have even edited to make it use the net amount before postage.

    It all works fine as long as I am only using a single currency display. A soon as I display Pounds and Dollars as I want to, it stops writing the transactions to the affiliate programme.

    Using ACTINICORDERTOTAL instead picks up only the Sterling amount and posts it, but it is x 100 in pence and I would need to convert it to pounds and pence with a decimal point.

    I have had a look at to try to change formatting so that NUMERICORDERTOTALCGI only uses the Pounds part of the price but it is a bit beyond my expertise!

    If anyone has come across this or has any ideas they would be much appreciated.
    Keith Milsom
    Left handed products and information

    Hi Keith

    I see what you mean, you want the NETQUOTEVAR:NUMERICORDERTOTALCGI to output only pounds without any penny. Hmm... i not sure about this, i have asked development if this can be done.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      I have found the answer!

      Nadeem - no, what I needed was the Sterling price only, but formatted with pounds and pence as a decimal value, e.g as 25.67

      With many thanks to Suresh from the Actinic support team in India I have now got the answer, tested it and it works. For the record, what you need to do is...

      use NETQUOTEVAR:NUMERICORDERCGI as the variable for amount in Act_order04.html

      in, Search for 'NUMERICORDERTOTALCGI'

      You should see...

      $::s_VariableTable{$::VARPREFIX.'NUMERICORDERTOTALCGI'} =

      Five lines above you should see...

      @Response = ActinicOrder::FormatPrice($nTotal, $::FALSE,

      Change this to...

      @Response = ActinicOrder::FormatSinglePrice($nSubTotal, $::FALSE,

      Adding the "Single" makes it select only the first price, not the second currency conversion as well and adding the "Sub" give the order value before shipping charge.

      Thanks also to Mark from Tiggypig and Ian at Techno-Web for being great communityn players and helping to point me in the right direction.
      Three cheers for Actinic and the Community !!!

      If anyone wants to know more, please feel free to contact me.
      Keith Milsom
      Left handed products and information


        Hi Keith

        That good to know and thankyou for putting up the information. This would help other people who wish to do the same.

        Kind Regards
        Nadeem Rasool
        SellerDeck Development


          Thanks so much. the 2 currencies threw me..
          Hanson Web Design

          Actinic hosting, Actinic Software, template design and re-design


            I've just tried this but it's outputting the code as

            with the html formating for the . still in there. Is there any way I can get rid of the formatting?

            <b>Our Actinic Sites:</b>
            Hip Hop Wardrobe: <a href=""></a>
            Sussex Brassware: <a href=""></a>
            Dandelion Designs: <a href=""></a>
            Floaty Lady (WIP): <a href=""></a>


              The number with the hex code &46; for a decimal point worked fine for me in our affiliate software and I do not know how to change it.
              One for someone clever from Actinic?

              Keith Milsom
              Left handed products and information


                I found the answer here

                I guess some affiliate software may accept the character encoding. I'm using AdWords conversion tracking for a clients site so I wanted to make sure there wasn't anything which could cause false results.

                <b>Our Actinic Sites:</b>
                Hip Hop Wardrobe: <a href=""></a>
                Sussex Brassware: <a href=""></a>
                Dandelion Designs: <a href=""></a>
                Floaty Lady (WIP): <a href=""></a>



                  We have been trying to do something like this for a while. We want to send our affiliate (affiliate future) the net of postage amount as we are currently paying commission charges on the postage. I have tried the adding the Sub as advised but the total still includes the postage. The act_order04.html sends the total using NETQUOTEVAR:ACTINICORDERTOTALFORAF. Does anyone know how to amend so the total to be minus the postage cost?

                  Thank you.


                    I have always assumed that this method of paying affiliates the net amount is reliant on the customer clicking on the “receipt link” on the payment providers page - Also we would only want to pay affiliate on actual payments and not 'cheque in the post' options.

                    Is the basis of my assumption wrong?

                    We are trying to develop the solution through the payment provider - See

                    Kewley Consultants Ltd


                      For us, the added piece of code to the act_order04 does all the work without the customer having to do anything different to a customer who is not from an affiliates site. We only pay on orders where funds are received, this is by each sale having a 5 day lag time which allows us to cancel if no payment received (not ideal as it does not account for various payment failures such as a bounced cheque).


                        Originally posted by purple

                        We have been trying to do something like this for a while. We want to send our affiliate (affiliate future) the net of postage amount as we are currently paying commission charges on the postage. I have tried the adding the Sub as advised but the total still includes the postage. The act_order04.html sends the total using NETQUOTEVAR:ACTINICORDERTOTALFORAF. Does anyone know how to amend so the total to be minus the postage cost?

                        Thank you.
                        I did it when extracting details at Act_Order04 level using the notes above and a previous one about sub total so it can work.. Need a bit of time to find it.
                        Hanson Web Design
                        Actinic hosting, Actinic Software, template design and re-design

