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Cart display issue

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    Cart display issue

    I have a problem relating to check out cart display. I would like the first product on the product page to always be listed first. Right now, some of the add-on products appear before the main product. How can I ensure that the main product is always listed first? I thought a refresh of the website might take care of it but, nada.

    Sorry but I cannot supply a URL as this site is for our authorised dealers only. The purpose of these cart related questions is to format the orders so that an EDI file can be imported smoothly into our Syspro ERP.

    Located at Vancouver, Canada

    Hi there,

    Do you mean, you have a set way of display these product, but when you add to cart, like how you are showing it on a product page, you want the same formatting on the shopping cart?.
    If this is the same, then i'm afraid its not possible to do this. Actinic cart works on what you add first, become the top product on the shopping cart grid, then what you continue to add will later continue after the first product.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      Hi Nadeem,

      Yes you are correct in what I am asking but, it doesn't seem to matter what is added to the cart first. For example I can select the main product first and still have other products listed first in the check out cart.

      Located at Vancouver, Canada


        Hi there

        That is strange, as it works fine on a default site. Have you customised the perlscripts at all? Especially the

        If not, i would suggest in logging a support query on

        Kind Regards
        Nadeem Rasool
        SellerDeck Development


          Hi Nadeem,

          I have done a couple of customizations to the Pearl scripts. The problem occurred prior to any of these modifications but I thought I would include the customizations anyways.

          1) I needed to populate cart with a quantity of ONLY 1 so I used Norman's suggestion;

          Edit (back it up first) and look for the lines:-

          sub CombineCartLines
          my $Self = shift;

          change to:-

          sub CombineCartLines
          my $Self = shift;

          2) I've added Norman's Java menu Norcascade

          3) I needed remove the "Info Question" required field (allow a blank submission) by using the follwoing code

          Edit (back it up first)

          Look for the fragment (there is only 1 instance)

          if (length $sInfo == 0)

          Change it to

          if (length $sInfo < 0)

          Other than these customizations the site is in it's default state.

          Thank you, Lonnie

          PS - I will log this on your site as per your recommendation

          Located at Vancouver, Canada


            BTW - I am using a "Single Add to Cart" option so I would have thought that it doesn't matter what order you select the products.
            Located at Vancouver, Canada


              Hi Lonnie,

              I would suggest in taking a backup of that perlscript, then go to "C:\Program Files\Actinic v7\Original", and copy the and, paste it in your site1 folder, so you overwriting these file.

              Once you have done this, simply update the site and try again. If it now works, then for some reason its that code change that it causing the problem.

              Kind Regards
              Nadeem Rasool
              SellerDeck Development


                Hi Nadeem,

                I've restored the Perl files as per your suggestion but the problem still occurs. I registered a support query with Actinic and their support staff replied with a request for a URL but I indicated that we have not extended the catalog to the web as it is for our dealers only. This was on Monday but they have still not replied.

                Is there anywhere (pm, pl files) that I can look to see what might be causing this? With a single add to cart button, there must be a file somewhere that contains the display order.

                If anyone can shed some light on this I would be much appreciative.

                Located at Vancouver, Canada


                  Attached are screen captures displaying my problem. I would like the order to appear as it does in Actinic Developer.

                  Attached Files
                  Located at Vancouver, Canada


                    Hi there

                    Thanks for attaching the image, so how the product is ordered within Actinic Developer, you would like the same order in the shopping cart, regardless of what you ordered first in the store. This cannot be achieved, actinic works on what you order first, it whats on the top.

                    With the "Single Add to cart button", what you have ticked first and added to the shopping cart, thats the first order on the shopping grid. An example is:

                    If i have a section with 4 products, and the shopping mode as a single add to cart

                    In order of Developer

                    [Product A]
                    [Product B]
                    [Product C]
                    [Product D]

                    On the website, if i add first Product C, then for some reason i add Product A after. My shoppingcart grid will show

                    [Product C]
                    [Product A]

                    Product C being the first thing i have added. Actinic works on what you have ordered first.

                    Kind Regards
                    Nadeem Rasool
                    SellerDeck Development


                      Hi Nadeem,

                      Even if I start from the top and select the products A, B, C, and D, they will still show up in the cart C, B, A, and D (not neccessarily in that order).

                      Could it have anything to do with the order that the products were created?

                      Located at Vancouver, Canada


                        Hi Lonnie,

                        Aha, i have found something. If we take my example:

                        [Product A]
                        [Product B]
                        [Product C]
                        [Product D]

                        The order of the shopping cart is determined by the product reference number.

                        If i had product references numbers like the following products:

                        [Product A] - 004
                        [Product B] - 003
                        [Product C] - 002
                        [Product D] - 001

                        Then the shopping cart will show

                        [Product D]
                        [Product C]
                        [Product B]
                        [Product A]

                        I have tested this out with a single add to cart button and added all 4 products.

                        Kind Regards
                        Nadeem Rasool
                        SellerDeck Development


                          Hi Nadeem,

                          I had already looked into the database as I was thinking the same thing. There must be a product reference somewhere. However, take a look at the screen caps. When I created the cart contents I started at the top and worked my way down to the bottom and then clicked on the add to cart button therefore all products should be in that order (but they're not).
                          The other screencap is of the database. I cannot see how the product reference or the product sequence would make the cart display its contents in the order that is appearing.

                          Also, I decided to select the products in reverse order by starting at the bottom and working my way up to the top. This "should" display the contents in reverse order from what you are telling me but it doesn't. The display order remains the same.

                          Attached Files
                          Located at Vancouver, Canada


                            4 weeks later and still no reply from Actinic (other than Nadeem on this site) even after opening a ticket with their tech support.

                            Anyone out there have any ideas on how I can straighten out this mess?
                            Located at Vancouver, Canada


                              Hi there,

                              Just saw this posting, quite sorry to read this. Were you given a ticket number for the incident, if so, then please could you post it here, and i will chase it up.

                              I apologise for this issue.

                              Kind Regards
                              Nadeem Rasool
                              SellerDeck Development

