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Wrong Country

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    Wrong Country


    Has anyone had problems with Actinic passing the wrong country thru checkout?

    My client reports that a couple of customers have contacted him because when going thru checkout, after having accepted the default country (UK) the system is passing Nicaragua as the country thru to the HSBC payment processing, which then rejects the order.

    The last problem occurred with a customer who was browsing with Explorer 5.5 running on Win XP, so nothing wildly unusual there.

    The odd thing is that Nicaragua is not listed as an optional shipping destination - could it be the HSBC system rather than the Actinic?

    Any ideas anyone



    A C Sissling Specialist Ironmongers
    Last edited by pht; 26-Oct-2004, 07:28 AM. Reason: URL added


    Any of the Actinic support guys got any suggestions?



      Hi Peter,

      I have not heard of this issue at all. But i do know that if you change the country code in "Advance | Location" in Actinic, then the address details will not get passed through onto the HSBC side.

      Have you changed any parts of "Advance | Location" at all?

      Kind Regards
      Nadeem Rasool
      SellerDeck Development


        Hi Nadeem

        I changed a few bits around somewhere to suit the shipment policy, but don't recall changing the country codes at all.

        The odd thing is that the site only uses HSBC as the payment service provider and all shipments are within the UK / Ireland as the system is not set at this time allow shipping overseas.

        I would have thought that if the problem was one of configuration all site customers would have the same problem (assuming same os, browser etc).

        The site used to allow overseas shipping and I have managed to recreate the 'fault' on the orders summary using orders from the new config on the old setup, if you follow.

        As I have managed to do this at the office end all I can think is that the customer somehow had cached a version of the checkout, prior to it being changed, and managed to pass this along to HSBC during checkout.

        All quite odd but I can't recreate the problem the customer had at checkout so can only think it was a cache issue.

        Does this make any sense?


        Peter Thornton
        A C Sissling Ltd Specialist Ironmongers
        Attached Files
        Last edited by pht; 28-Oct-2004, 04:57 PM. Reason: Additional Image


          Hi Peter,

          Yes it does make sense, it could be a cache issue, but i have never seen this error happening on other clients. Was it just this one customer, or is it happening alot.

          If it is happening alot i would suggest in registering an email support ticket at or if you have cover contact Support on 0845 129 4848. They would request a snapshot of you, so development can check your database.

          Kind Regards
          Nadeem Rasool
          SellerDeck Development


            To my understanding it has only happened a couple of times, but this is only due to being told of the problems by customers trying to get thru checkout.

            How many are getting to checkout only to give up and go elsewhere is anyones guess, we do get quite a lot of 'awaiting psp' orders that are never completed.
            (This could be in some measure the HSBC site itself - It does not yet list Maestro as an accepted form of payment!! only switch, some users may not make the association between the two.)

            I was thinking that to counter the cache problem, if indeed there is one, I should put a 'no cache' meta command or similar on the checkout pages, this should then eliminate any further problems of this nature as the site develops and policies are changed.

            Do you think this could be a solution ? is there a suitable meta 'no cache' instruction that would work across all popular browsers?

            Many Thanks



              Hi Peter

              You could possible enter a nocache within your primary checkout stages and hopefully this should fix your issue. I have not seen a suitable meta 'no cache' instruction that would work across all browser.

              Might be one to check out in Google

              Kind Regards
              Nadeem Rasool
              SellerDeck Development

