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Actinic to Sage Order Processing

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    Actinic to Sage Order Processing

    I have Sage Line 50 v11 and Actinic Business v7 linked via Actinic Link.

    Most things are working fine (Thankyou Actinic Community and Support) except I have a problem with the Order Processing.

    As I wish to use Sage for Stock Control and Purchase Order Processing it seemed logical to transfer my orders to Sage via link. This is fine except where there is a choice on the product.

    For example, if a customer wishes to purchase a T-shirt they have a choice of colours and sizes for which I need to handle stock.

    I have set up each individual stock item and hidden them on the site. Next I set up a 'dummy' product with a component and attributes of colour and size and used permutations to match attributes and products.

    However, in order processing both the dummy product and attribute are listed and so when I transfer into Sage I get two product lines on my invoice making the invoice either looking confusing or unprofessional.

    Is there a way to show the attribute choice only? or maybe this is an item for the wish list.

    Any views much appreciated.

    Hi Peter,

    You can do this by ticking the 'Component As a Separate Order Line' in the component and then select the 'Sum of Component Prices' option in the main product. This should then display an option for 'No Order Line for Main Product' which you need to tick. Also make sure that you have the 'Name from Associated Product' in the 'Permutations' tab of the component and make the name of the hidden product relevant (ie - T-shirt, Red, Small). The cost for the product should be set in the hidden product and the 'pricing' in the 'Permutations' tab needs to be set to 'Associated Product Prices'.

    This way you will only have the associated product added to basket and therefore, only one item to transfer into Sage.

    I hope this helps.


      Thank you Tracey, it now works a treat.



        Great news!

