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Contact Us Form

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    Contact Us Form


    I've built a contact Us form, I need to edit the contact us link so that it points to the form. Im not sure which template I need to edit to make the changes...


    In v6 the contact us button always links to the email address specified within the Business Settings, so you would need to manually create the link within the primary templates (To show you custom link to your form) and remove references to contact us within the Design | Options | Navigation menus.



      So all I need to do is remove the reference to contact us and then create my own link .... Ive done this before so shouldnt be too much of an issue...

      Thanks for you time.



        I would have thought this should be something actinic addresses
        immediately due to the increase in spam email and bots searching sites
        for email.
        Them using a mailto link reflects the email address plainly

        What do you think?


          Hi Darren

          I would have thought this should be something actinic addresses
          immediately due to the increase in spam email and bots searching sites
          for email.
          Them using a mailto link reflects the email address
          We have addressed this in Version 7. Now on some themes in version 7, we have a Contact Us form, and other uses a javascript which spammers cannot crawl through.

          Kind Regards
          Nadeem Rasool
          SellerDeck Development


            It has been addressed in the v7 version by its replacement with the built in form solution, but as for adding new functionality into older versions like v6, I don't think we can expect them to continually add more new features into what is an old version, although fixes for bugs or patches to overcome externally forced issues and the like Actinic have been known to release patches for older versions well after the new version was released, but adding the built in form feature we would not expect to be added to older versions of the software



              I understand what your saying about the old version thing.... Then again I have only had the software for approx 1.5 years and dont feel I should have to pay for version 7 to fix a potential spamming issue....

              Think of it when you pay for a Windows product, I believe Windows 2000 is still in support and if there were potential issues then they would be fixed. You now have XP and 2003 server but MS still roll out updates for earlier products.

              Its a thought


                Hi Nadeem,

                I'm using version 6 and have no plans on upgrading and paying an additional cost to resolve a simple issue like this.

                It may well be a feature of version 7 but I consider it as a security issue. I have been instructed by my Hosting company to remove this link due to the amount of viruses and spam the site is receivng. If I dont remove it they are thinking of downing my site. I expect now you can now see why I feel so strongly about it.


                  Hi Darren

                  I understand why you feel quite strongly about this.
                  With regards to v6, if there is a criticial bug found within the software that prevents the shop from working, then we would release a patch. I'm afraid to say that what you are experiencing does not warrant a complete rewrite of the software.

                  The workaround for you could be to go into "Design | Option | Navigation and take out what it says for Email"

                  Then check this thread:

                  Jo has provided a javascript mailto instead, which makes it harder for spammer to crawl through.

                  Kind Regards
                  Nadeem Rasool
                  SellerDeck Development


                    No disrespect intended Nadeem,

                    I can't see why you would have to re-write the whole software for this change.

                    Its obviously an issue and I’m not the only person who has complained about it.
                    Yes it’s fixed in version 7 but there doesn’t seem to be a simple work around in version 6.

                    Your right it doesn’t affect the shop from working but it does affect the moment of time im having to spend cleaning my mailbox.

                    You could argue about setting up spam filters etc but my ISP are feed up with the amount of unnecessary bandwidth that these mails are taking.

                    I've read the link but that doesn’t explain how to change the button link, where is the code embedded?


                      You may like to consider this


                        Hi Darren

                        None taken
                        I can't see why you would have to re-write the whole software for this change.
                        We would need to change the software in terms of including smtp Authentication for v6. This would include changing dialog boxes as well as changing the perlscripts and including new templates.

                        I've read the link but that doesn’t explain how to change the button link, where is the code embedded?
                        All this code does, is give a simple mailto text reference, not a button i'm afraid.

                        I can understand where you are coming from, please could i suggest to you to give Mark in Sale a ring on 0845 129 4800. I have brief him on your issue, so he can give you a detailed explaination of why we will not release a furthur patch. He is not in tomorrow, so it would be greatly appreciated if you contact him today, so we can resolve this issue

                        Kind Regards
                        Nadeem Rasool
                        SellerDeck Development

