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HTTP & HTTPS on Different Servers

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    HTTP & HTTPS on Different Servers


    Going through the network setup wizard for this situation and the wizard crashes and bombs out of Actinic when I get to the CGI-BIN stage on the SSL server?

    I am running version 7.01.

    Anybody know why - is it a bug? Should I be looking for something else?

    Is the HTTP and HTTPS on the same server and webspace paths?

    If you can post your network settings that you have (less username / password) and the host that you are with, then maybe someone on here who uses that host might be able to help you on this one from experience with them


      Server Details


      I have two servers set up. One for HTTP and the other for HTTPS.

      Server1 = HTTP Server
      SSLServer = SSL Server.

      On the SSL Server I have an SSL certificate that I want to share between a couple of sites.

      On the SSL server I have created a subdirectory in the Https part for each site that will use the SSL certificate.

      I can email a copy of the settings to you but this bulletin board won't allow me to upload the bitmaps!


        Which host are you with, as others may have already set this up with them.

        If you export your network file to your local pc, you can then copy and paster (without usernames / passwords) into a reply on the forum which should then help us to help u


          Hi Support

          With a little help from our friends on Support (cheers Suresh!).

          Apparently it was a permissions error on the SSL acatalog directory - it needs to be 777

          Thanks all.


            Hi all,

            I have had problems as described above, i have tried to run the wizard but at the same point the program just closes down.
            I am know in the knowledge that actinics version of shared ssl certs is not the same as everyone else's.
            I have tried entering details as per what has been supplied by my isp but each time all i get is unable to move cgi directory errors.

            Can anyone help?



              Hi Sparky,

              Can you check the permissions on the cgi-bin are set to 755 and the acatalog is set to 777?

              Toby Blanchard


                ok, the settings are correct now. The wizard completes and all the tests appear fine. However when i go to check-out I get a script error:

                Error: Error opening configuration file ../acatalog/ No such file or directory


                  Could be a problem with your symbolic link between the secure and non secure acatalog folder.

                  I suggest you register a support query here so we can check out your network setting and take a look on the server.

                  Toby Blanchard


                    Originally posted by HoughtonCR
                    Hi Support

                    With a little help from our friends on Support (cheers Suresh!).

                    Apparently it was a permissions error on the SSL acatalog directory - it needs to be 777

                    Thanks all.
                    Now hold on a routin tootin minute, how can it be a permissions problem on the SSL server when the acatalog directory hasn't been created yet by actinic? Mine doesn't even get as far as creating the acatalog directory, or are you saying that I have to manually create the directory then chmod it to 777?

                    In addition, you really shouldn't chmod a directory to 777 that gives the entire world read, write, execute to the entire directory, who would want to do that insane thing?

                    Isaiah 40:31But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew [their] strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; [and] they shall walk, and not faint.


                      Hi there

                      Now hold on a routin tootin minute, how can it be a permissions problem on the SSL server when the acatalog directory hasn't been created yet by actinic?
                      For SSL to work, you need to create a symbolic link between the secure /acatalog/ folder to the insecure /acatalog/ folder. I have responsed to your other thread regarding this.

                      In addition, you really shouldn't chmod a directory to 777 that gives the entire world read, write, execute to the entire directory, who would want to do that insane thing?
                      Actinic works best on a directory permission of 777 and this is what we recommend the permission setting to be on the /acatalog/ folder. There is no security risk involved in this. The /acatalog/ folder simply has the html pages, images and encrypted orders. It doesn't have any scripts inside the folder.

                      Kind Regards
                      Nadeem Rasool
                      SellerDeck Development

