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    Hi All

    One day someone will do a training course on Actinic and I won't have to post things on the forum.

    I am currently changing the act_brochureprimary.html and act_primary.html, i've had a little move around and have come up with these (not great) (Brochure) (Primary)

    As you can see by the scroll bars on the right, the list of sections goes down along way.

    I'll get to the point now.

    Bascically i'm trying to work out how to redesign the bit in the middle. I think its called NETQUOTEVAR:BROCHUREBODY & NETQUOTEVAR:BULK.

    Has anybody found a user guide or something.

    Thanks in advance

    Remember; The Arc was built by amateurs but the Titanic was built by professionals.
    When did I realise I was god? I was praying and realised I was talking to myself.

    BROCHUREBODY AND BULK in there respective primary templates positions the main content, i.e. where to put a fragment or where to then start showing sections listings and products etc..

    With regards to training, Actinic provide training at there Weybridge location - details -


      Wow one sentance and I was lost

      If I want to change how the products are displayed on both pages how would I change this.

      I'll have a look into that training course I think
      Remember; The Arc was built by amateurs but the Titanic was built by professionals.
      When did I realise I was god? I was praying and realised I was talking to myself.


        Sry for Hijacking (but similar content)


        Sorry to interject but I agree with you RUSSELPING. I thinki need some training before i were to get in contact wtih this software. And giving so much prob to.. i guess Cdicken. But 2nd look the training area is located at.....Training location: Weybridge, Surrey! I might need to take a plane from singapore to there then.

        Anyway, i think i also have quite a similar problem with RUSSELPING. I am also changing the brochurebody. But mine already sent to ACTINIC support for help. As no one could help me to solve the problem regarding the text in my fragmnet got severed off unknowingly. I used the word SEVERED becos i have no idea why some words can be cut off suddenly?

        wads actually netquotevar;bulk doing? could u pls explain?
        Appreciate alot.
        With Love,


          Hi there

          NETQUOTEVAR:BROCHUREBODY is a variable within Act_BrochurePrimary.html which brings in all the fragment that you have specified within a brochure page.
          A fragment is information items within a page. An example of a fragment would be:
          Welcome to our Site: This is an example store, designed to show you all the different ways you can create products using Actinic ecommerce programs.
          NETQUOTEVAR:BULK is a variable within Act_Primary.html which brings in the sections, the products, the breadcrumb and the shopping cart grid within the store pages.

          I'm afraid you will not be able to change the contents of these two variables.

          There is a Design Guide on your v7 folder, it is in: "C:\Program Files\Actinic v7\Starter Guide\DesignGuide.pdf", as well as the advance user guide which has a netquotevar dictonary located here

          Kind Regards
          Nadeem Rasool
          SellerDeck Development


            Originally posted by Nadeem
            I'm afraid you will not be able to change the contents of these two variables.


            I don't want to change the content just have it displayed differently, does it pick up the layout from another .HTML or am I just stuck with it like this.

            Remember; The Arc was built by amateurs but the Titanic was built by professionals.
            When did I realise I was god? I was praying and realised I was talking to myself.


              Hi there

              does it pick up the layout from another .HTML
              Yes it does take it from other templates. If we take NETQUOTEVAR:BULK, this brings in Act_Sectionline.html to display the sections. Act_Productline.html to display the products.
              NETQUOTEVAR:BROCHUREBODY just brings in the fragments, which you can change the layout of. If you want multiple columns in the brochure pages, then Norman has written a patch to incorporate this. Here it is:

              If you have a specific design for your brochure page, then why not just hardcode it in the Act_BrochurePrimary.html.

              Have a read through the following Designing With Actinic Developer (v6) , which explains a lot more about Actinic Templates.

              Kind Regards
              Nadeem Rasool
              SellerDeck Development


                Thanks, thats what i've been looking for

                How much would it cost to upgrade to developer. We took £500 yesterday, so I thought that I could take the £500 to the MD and then ask him for some more money

                Thanks in advance

                Remember; The Arc was built by amateurs but the Titanic was built by professionals.
                When did I realise I was god? I was praying and realised I was talking to myself.


         has our info on that


                    Hmm think i'll be hoping for a few more days like yesterday

                    Thanks for your responses, i'll keep you in mind.

                    One last question, as you might have guessed i'm making serious changes to the website at the moment, the problem is that to check it all work I have to upload it to our main store. A few times I've uploaded and found out that it looks awful , The question is that we are running 1 user license for Actinic Catalogue. If I was to upload it to a test site but remove all the ways that people could order would I still be breaking the licensing terms.
                    Remember; The Arc was built by amateurs but the Titanic was built by professionals.
                    When did I realise I was god? I was praying and realised I was talking to myself.


                      Hi there

                      If I was to upload it to a test site but remove all the ways that people could order would I still be breaking the licensing terms.
                      No you can do this, if its simply for testing your site.

                      Kind Regards
                      Nadeem Rasool
                      SellerDeck Development


                        Thanks that makes life alot easier.
                        Remember; The Arc was built by amateurs but the Titanic was built by professionals.
                        When did I realise I was god? I was praying and realised I was talking to myself.

