The snippet of Javascript that prints the cart total and value to customers...
<script language="JavaScript">
document.write("Items: " + getCartItem(3)+" ");
document.write("Value: " + getCartItem(1));
// -->
is giving me a headache. Although I have cookie expiry set to 3 hours, this information does not update for days - and only clears itself if you run something through a script, ie. go to view basket.
It's also showing details of a logged in user's basket if you log in and log out of the member account - only returning to the basket corrects this.
The snippet of Javascript that prints the cart total and value to customers...
<script language="JavaScript">
document.write("Items: " + getCartItem(3)+" ");
document.write("Value: " + getCartItem(1));
// -->
is giving me a headache. Although I have cookie expiry set to 3 hours, this information does not update for days - and only clears itself if you run something through a script, ie. go to view basket.
It's also showing details of a logged in user's basket if you log in and log out of the member account - only returning to the basket corrects this.