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View basket - No button images

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    View basket - No button images

    I have had no problems with the Catalog software up until I put it on the webserver, All images appear as they should apart from the buttons on the 'View Basket' page.

    any ideas on why this is, Ive looked and seen very similar problems but none of the solutions seems to work.

    I have replaced the original designs with my own designs (made in Dreamweaver MX), by using the instructions in the advanced user guides (ie copying the netquotevar's from the orinal pages to my pages).

    Please help its drivin me mad.

    Hi Rod,

    Do you have <Actinic:BASEHREF VALUE="NETQUOTEVAR:BASEHREF"/> within your overall layout template (usually Act_Primary.html).

    It could also be your network settings. If you right click on the "Go" quick search button and select "Properties" is it trying to find the image from the cgi-bin? If so try running the network wizard from Web | Configure Web Site Details and see if that will correctly configure your network settings.

    Let me know how you get on.

    Toby Blanchard


      Thanks for the reply,
      I dont think i have that netquotevar in the Act_primary.html page. At least i cant remember that one. But as far as i can remeber the only netquotevar i didnt take accross was the logo netquotevar.
      Im not at my usual machine this morning so i cant check it at the moment.
      I'll probably post a reply when i get back from these damn Java classes.


        No worries,

        I should of mentioned the NQV exists in the <head> </head>

        Toby Blanchard


          Missing cart buttons

          Try adding the referrer string at the end of your command


          In my case, I had broken images too. Adding this fixed it. For example, here is my full command/url...

          It doesn't always happen (breaking images). It seems to be related to where you may have visited first...causing Actinic to "forget" the home of its root images.

          At least if this is not quite right in your case, it may put you on the right track.


            Well just got a look at my source, it reads

            <title>Welcome to Intouch Mobile</title>
            <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
            So I'll put <Actinic:BASEHREF VALUE="NETQUOTEVAR:BASEHREF"/> in the head tags and see if it makes a difference, actually i can see from the original (default ) templates, that a lot more Netquotevars are resident in the head tag (relating to the <TITLE> tags), should i also copy these over?
            Last edited by rodmc; 29-Oct-2004, 02:55 PM. Reason: add more info


              Interested in this one. I have the same problem


              Network settings are correct.



                Tony B you are the man. Thanks for your help.
                Seems to be working now.


                  did it work just by putting <Actinic:BASEHREF VALUE="NETQUOTEVAR:BASEHREF"/>

                  in the header?


                    It certainly did.


                      Just had a look at your page maniac, thats exactly how mine looked before insert the code into the header. Hope it works for you too.


                        Cheers Rodmac, I cant try it now because Im not at my computer but will def give it a go.


                          This problem has shown up again, but this time only when i navigate from a certain set of products, any ideas?


                            Hi Rod,

                            If you are using different primary templates for different parts/sections of your store, check that you have the code that Toby gave you in each of those templates. If that doesn't help then please supply a URL for us to check out.

