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Section Link Layout problem

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    Section Link Layout problem


    I have a section "Trees"

    I have 2 sub sections "Coconut trees" and "palm trees"

    Under coconut trees I have 2 products Rented or Buy

    I am using thumbnail images throughout the site as the links to the sections. However, as rented and buy use the same image, I wanted to change the Section Link Layout in Coconut Tree to be "Section Name Only".

    However this now changes the "Trees" main section so I have an image for the palm tree, but the text for the coconut tree.

    Is there a way I can do this, but still keep the image in the main section?

    Hope that makes sense


    Hi Sam,

    Under coconut trees I have 2 products Rented or Buy
    Do you mean sub-sections here rather than products?


      I think I do mean sub sections.

      I will draw the content tree as it is:

      -------Palm Trees
      -----------Lighted Palm Tree (product)
      -------Coconut Trees
      -----------Coconut Tree to buy
      ----------------Lighted Coconut Tree (product)
      -----------Coconut Tree to rent
      ----------------Lighted Coconut Tree to rent (product)
      So "Trees" should have 2 thumbnails with no text of a palm tree and coconut tree.

      Then in Coconut tree because they use the same image for rented and buying trees, they need some text. So I added the SECTIONNAME NQV and it also adds the text for coconut tree on the "Trees" page. But I just want images on the first page.

      Hope that makes a little more sense

      Thanks Sam



        I've figured it

        I must have spent ages on Friday trying to solve this. And I just had a play and it works.

        I had to Override Default settings in the layout of Trees AND have list placement on Images Only. I'm sure I tried this on Friday but it didnt work. Maybe I had a cache problem.



          Hi Sam,

          For 'Trees', 'Palm Trees' and 'Cocounut Trees' sections you need to select 'Image only - no text shown' as the 'Section Link Layout'.

          For 'Coconut Tree to buy' and 'Coconut Tree to rent' you need to select 'Name and description only - no image' as the 'Section Link Layout'. (If you don't want the 'description' to display then click the 'Edit' button next to the template and comment out NETQUOTEVAR:SECTIONTEXT).

          Remove the NQV that you put into the image only template and this should then give you what you want.


            I am having the same problem as described in this thread again!

            I have a section called Bar & Party. I have 12 subsections in that of which I want to dispplay just IMAGES on the page to link through.

            On one of these subsections I want the product list to be TEXT links only.

            So in subsection Glowsticks, I have:
            Section Link Layout: Section name only
            Override default: ticked
            List placement: default

            In the main section Bar and party i have:
            Section Link Layout: Image Only
            Override default: ticked
            List placement: default and images only ticked

            But on Bar and Party the glowsticks is empty! There's no image!

            BUT, if I UNcomment NETQUOTEVAR:SECTIONIMAGE in the section name only, I get the image on the bar and part page as I want and on Glowsticks I get the image and the text. But I just want the text!!!

            Please help. I've been trying every combination I can think of.


              oh how typical. I spent an hour on this and only when I post do I figure it out! I needed to change the section link layout of the next section down. So glowsticks is same as bar and party. and under glowsticks I have all the different colours (but so that there is one product) a page. and it was these pages that needed changing. if that makes sense.


                the site i'm working on

                I'm having a similar problem (i think)

                Whats happening with my site is the client has only supplied about half of teh product images - so i've got this problem were in my product lists some products have an image and some do not. This make the page look staggered and really untidy.

                I've tried using a spacer.gif image to make the text align properly but its still not working.

                Is there a setting i'm missing out on.
                I'm having to use excel alot on this one - as there is alot of products (over 3000) - is there a field - i'm missing out in excel that can resolve this problem

                thank you in advance


                  Hi Steven,

                  Did you manage to sort this? Your text looks neatly aligned to me.

                  If not can you let me know where the problem is?

                  Toby Blanchard


                    problem sorted - i created a blank image that aligns the products without images (for now)

                    New problem


                    On my checkout page i'm getting an unwanted 600pixel width table
                    On the terms and condititions section.

                    I've tried removing the table from "Act_Order01.html" but the table still appears on the site

                    any ideas?

                    thank you in advance


                      Hi Steve,

                      Can you confirm that the table you removed in Act_Order01.html was:

                      <!-- Terms and Conditions checkbox begin -->
                      <span class="actregular"><b>NETQUOTEVAR:TERMSTITLE</b></span><br><br>
                      <table border="0" width="600" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
                          <td bgcolor="NETQUOTEVAR:CHECKOUTBG">
                      <HR SIZE="1" WIDTH="CUSTOMVAR:ACTSTDWIDTH" align="left">
                      <!-- Terms and Conditions checkbox end -->


                        No - i kept the table - i removed the set width of 600pixels from it.
                        It was this size that was spreading my main layout all over the place.

                        thanks tracey - for all the help you've given me

