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Product Page error messages

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    Product Page error messages


    I've found that if a product goes out of stock but you are on the product page and then click "buy" and then find its out of stock, you get an error message in a table:

    The following product(s) can not be added to the cart.
    You can find the error description(s) by following the link(s).
    AG13 Cell

    The "AG13 Cell" product link points to:
    javascript: location.hash = 'a59'; void 0

    But the link doesn't do anything. Can anybody help?

    My other question is, the table that appears on the product page with the above message is on a grey background. I can see that this grey background is changed in design | colours and I think its the applet Background. I don't want it using this grey, I would like it black. However I don't want all the other tables that use this to be black.

    Is there a way around this?

    I tried changing line 2178 in design | text
    <TABLE CELLPADDING="0" WIDTH="250" BORDER="1" BGCOLOR="%s"><tr><td>%s


    <TABLE CELLPADDING="0" WIDTH="250" BORDER="1" BGCOLOR="#000000"><tr><td>%s

    But this stopped the whole table from working altogether!



    Hi Sam,

    Is there a URL that we can take a look at exactly what is happening?



      I've put a screen shot up...

      The message in the grey table at the top is what I'm on about. The AAA Batteries link simply does not work. And I wanted the grey background to be black.


        You're on the right lines with editing 2178 except you need to change it to...

        <TABLE CELLPADDING="10" WIDTH="550" BORDER="1" BGCOLOR="#000000"><tr><td><!-- %s -->%s

        With regards to the links, I would need to see a site with it happening before I could advise. The format of the links comes from 2179 in 'Design | Text'.

        Have you got the line

        <a name="NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTANCHOR"> .... </a>

        in your product layout template? This is what the links are linking to.


          Thanks, I will give that all a go. If it fails I'll have to wait until the site is uploaded for testing and I'll post the URL.

          Thank you.




            I think I understand it all now!

            The following line:
            javascript: location.hash = 'a59'; void 0
            simply scrolls down to the anchored product, but because I only ever have one item per page, it won't scroll!! So that's why it was doing nothing!

            OK, so now I've figured that out, how can I get rid of this message altogether since I don't have more than one product per page? I can delete the message:

            "The following product(s) can not be added to the cart.
            You can find the error description(s) by following the link(s)."

            But how can I remove the links below it?



              Sorry, I found it! It was only a couple of lines above the other one. The lines to be removed are 2181 and 2179.

              Thanks for all your help anyway!

