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size for button

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    size for button

    (My english is bad, I'm french !!!)
    At the beginning of the order, when I validate a product, I have 3 buttons on the page : confirm, checkout and cancel. These 3 buttons are too big so they cannot stay on a same line.
    How can I reduce the size ?
    Thank you.

    Are the buttons images or form buttons? Do you have a URL in which we can go through the process to see them and suggest alternative methods


      It is form button, not image. My URL is
      Thank you


        Hi there,

        You could try the following;

        Instead of using the form buttons, uses images instead. Please click here to see a knowledgebase article on having images in the NEXT,BACK and CANCEL checkout stages.

        Kind Regards
        Nadeem Rasool
        SellerDeck Development


          Thank you for the information. I think that you're right and your solution is probably good. But we prefer not to use the images and keep the button as it is easier. I have seen on other website that they do not have problem with this : perhpas it is a problem with the font type and siez. What do you think ? Regards


            I think it's probably because you've made the table cell that contains the input buttons too small.

            From what I can see it's set to 319 pixels, which seems a bit on the small side to me.

            <td width="319" align="LEFT" valign="top" >

            First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



              Ok thank you. I have modify the size and it works perfectly. Thank you

