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clear cookies directly after transaction approved

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    clear cookies directly after transaction approved


    1) At what stage in the checkout process is the cart (cookies) cleared out?

    2) How would I clear / flush the cookies immediately after the transaction has been approved?

    I scouted the forum and found this:

    What code would I use if I simply want to clear the cookies out, no expiry dates etc, just clear them out?

    I’m using SecPay so it would be the ACT_SECpayOK page that I would want to insert this ‘cookie clearing’ code.

    3) Would clearing the cookies here affect the Receipt Page (the page where they view their receipt after the transaction has been approved ie the page after the ACT_SECpayOK page)?

    Hope I've explained myself okay.

    Many thanks

    mobilize-me ltd

    If you go into Web | Configure Expiry Periods, you can assign a # of hours to delete the shopping carts, but min would be 1 hr and not something that you could set to occur after checkout etc, plus shopping lists are days and not hours...

    The only other way would be to write code that went into the order04 template which is the receipt page, that flushes the cookie from the customers browser, but dont have the details on how to do that, but that is where you would be best conducting this, at the receipt stage once all is done


      I would think that if you put the javascript from the thread you've referenced at the end of the receipt page (Act_Order04.html I think) then that should do it.


      Note: Cookies automatically delete after the expiry time which is how the javascript works. It tells the cookie it's past it's expiry date so it automatically deletes.

      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling




        Thanks very much for the feedback,

        I may have to re-think my approach and 'force' the shoppers to follow the full checkout process from the stage of paying for the goods to viewing their receipt.

        Thanks again,

        mobilize-me ltd

