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V7.02 patch release

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    Chris (or whoever!),

    Have tried every option I can think of, patching, repairing database etc etc and regardless of what I do get the same result with the upgrade. I guess it must have something to do with the snapshot but not sure.

    Hope someone can help, could really do with getting 7.02 up and running


    Located in Edinburgh UK


      Web Site Purge and Refresh taking a while


      The fix you suggest 'Web Site Purge and Refresh', etc. does indeed fix the problem for our sites, however, would you expect this refresh to take longer than a standard refresh? Typically, a refresh for us take approx 1 - 1½ hours, this purge & refresh option is, however, taking approx 3 hours per site?



        As I said before, if I close it down in the orders screen when I start up again it is not remembering this.
        It is doing that on my 702 as well so it looks like this has not been addressed.
        although it did not give me the message about upgrading the scripts and whether I want to override etc
        As there are no template changes from 701 to 702, the Site Upgrader will not start. That's normal.
        Started up Actinic again and neither the update or retrieve buttons work
        Can I ask you to try going to 'Help | Troubleshooting' and click on 'Website Purge and Refresh' and see if it hangs again. This will strip out the old 701 site and upload the new 702 one in its place. It will temporarily mean that people cannot order at your site so you may want to do it early in the morning. Also try 'Enhanced FTP' in 'Advanced | Network Setup' as this is a different way of uploading.


          The fix you suggest 'Web Site Purge and Refresh', etc. does indeed fix the problem for our sites, however, would you expect this refresh to take longer than a standard refresh? Typically, a refresh for us take approx 1 - 1½ hours, this purge & refresh option is, however, taking approx 3 hours per site?
          I wouldn't have expected it to take that much longer. Have you tried 'Enhanced FTP' in 'Advanced | Netowrk Settings'? This is a faster upload mechanism.



            No, not using enhanced ftp. I have refresh the site through standard method using 702 and it appears to take the same time as 'normal' but this new method does appear to take much longer. It should not really cause an issue as, touchwood, we will not need it again!

            Will try the enhanced ftp anyway for future updates and see what difference it makes.



              Managed to sort out my upgrade problems by deleting all references to Actinic in the registry and doing another clean install, have had 3 versions on this comp so something from an old version was presumably causing a problem. This solved the upload problem! Havent upgraded my live site yet but looks like it will work fine.

              Only issue left is Actinic not remembering where it was. Whilst this is no major problem it is a bit annoying. I also tested the v7.02 install on the default site and this feature worked perfectly until I imported the snapshot so presumably it is something that the snapshot brings across to the new version that is causing the problem. So, if you can get that solved, I will be a happy actinic user once again!!!!!


              Located in Edinburgh UK



                Hi Dave

                Only issue left is Actinic not remembering where it was
                The registry entry is brought over when you import a snapshot so the key that determines which window is open when you start the software is set in there. This is not used by v7 anymore so you can delete it from the registry. I'm sure you are aware that the registry is a dangerous place so please make sure that you only remove the key that I list below.

                1. Click on the 'Start' button and select 'Run'

                2. Type in 'Regedit' and click 'OK' to open the registry editor.

                3. Browse to 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Actinic\Catalog7\Sites\Site1' (or whatever the site folder is called)

                4. Locate the key 'WindowOpen' on the right side of the screen and delete it.

                5. Close the registry down and then you should be able to open Actinic on the screen that you closed down on.

                Please note that the above is only for v7.0.2.



                  Works perfectly. Many thanks for your help!


                  Located in Edinburgh UK



                    This is really not good enough. Since buying Actinic we have had two upgrades and each has been hassle. Is that what we pay over £1000 for, plus the annual fee.

                    I tried the enhanced FTP and got a time-out message every 10 seconds, get this, even after I had closed Actinic. What is going on? (See attached jpg)

                    I eventually got one of the sites refreshed, using 'Web Site Purge and Refresh'. Next question. I have the developer site and order download site on two different PC's and both have had the patch applied. Do I need to copy a snapshot from the development PC to the order download PC. If so, will that overwrite the stock settings?
                    Attached Files
                    Supporting the environment. This post uses 100% recycled electrons.
                    Bob Isaac
                    Director/Web Admin
                    Volvo Owners Club Ltd

                    Actinic MS Business Version 8.5.2


                      Do I need to copy a snapshot from the development PC to the order download PC. If so, will that overwrite the stock settings?
                      You should not have to. You should just be able to apply the patch separately to both PCs.

                      For future reference, if you do decide that you want to take a snapshot accross for whatever reason, you can do a 'File | Export' on the order processing machine to export the content tree and stock levels before importing the snapshot. Then just re-import the export file afterwards.

                      Sorry about the problems you experienced with the enhanced FTP feature. We have had a lot of customers using it without problems, but it is difficult to predict the behaviour of Actinic an all the possible combinations of web server, connection, proxy, wirewall and operating system that there are out there. If you would like someone to investigate further, you could register an email support question and we could investigate further. Other than that, I'm afraid I have no more suggestions to give you via the forum, other than try the 'Web SIte Purge and Refresh' - which seemed to work for one of your sites.

