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Customise Nav based on current page?

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    Customise Nav based on current page?


    Apologies if this has been answered elsewhere, but I have looked

    I'm wondering if it is possible to customise the Actinic header/nav template based upon which page is current? What I'm basically after is to have a standard nav header, but when on the product page (for example), the Product link image is different, likewise home page etc...

    I'm new to the customisation of Actinic, but I can't beleive this isn't possible with either a bit of Javascript?

    Any pointers will be greatly appreciated!

    Thanks, Jason.

    Hi Jason,

    I would suggest in first downloading the Designing With Actinic Developer (v6) as this explains how actinic templates work.

    What you have written is possible, you need to open your Act_Primary.html and resave it as Act_Primary2.html. Then do the changes in Act_Primary2.html and associate that Primary template to the section.

    If what i have written does not make sense, then please read the guide first. Hopefully it will make sense after

    Kind Regard
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development

