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minimum quantities

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    minimum quantities

    Hi I am very new to Actinic and am experiencing some difficulty.
    Our site will be selling a variety of items one of these items is cases of wine(which due to licensing laws we have to sell in cases of 12) we want to give our customers the chance to "mix and match " which bottles of wine go into their case of 12. I found the thread
    which seamed to be dealing with a simalar issue however im unsre where to put the patch.
    Also because wine will not be the only product we intend to sell would this patch effect all other items on our site that can be sold in any quantity.
    also on the patch the would I have to change the number to (getCartItem(12) >= 2)
    (getCartItem(3) >= 12)
    //four foot and clean// multimedia design and interactive video//

    I wrote that patch. Unfortunately it only works on the overall cart quantity so won't help you.

    There may be another technique.

    Actinic allows Single Add to Cart pages - lots of products with individual quantity boxes and one Add Selection to Cart button. If you could put all case limited products on that page then the Add Selection to Cart button could be patched to sum all non-zero quantity fields and make sure they were modulus 12 - error message and submit inhibited if not - submit allowed if OK.

    You might need to hire a JavaScript guru as I'm way too busy to do this for free.

    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

