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Limited Products per page...

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    Limited Products per page...

    Hi All,
    First off let me apologize if this has been answered before. I have a product line that has around 3000 products, 50 main categories, and up to 25 sub-categories under each main category. OK, based on this scenario you can see that there would be a lot of products under each category. How can I limit the number of products that are displayed per category?

    For example: Christmas|Ornaments has 150 different ornaments. The way it is set up now it puts all the products in single rows straight down the page causing the customer to have to scroll through all the products on a single page. What I would like is to have say 10 per page and have a
    [1][2][3][4]Next type link at the bottom and top of the product list.

    Also, in the example product listing I noticed that the products were listed with alternating pictures of the products. First one - Picture on left text on right, Second Picture on Right text on left, Third Picture on left text on right and so forth. Without going to each product and changing the layout left right left right is there a simpler way to do this?

    Isaiah 40:31But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew [their] strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; [and] they shall walk, and not faint.

    Hi there

    What I would like is to have say 10 per page and have a
    [1][2][3][4]Next type link at the bottom and top of the product list.
    At the moment Actinic does not support limit product to 10. The only way around this would be to create subsections within the sections and have 10 product listed here, then create another subsection and again have 10 list.

    On the advance user guide we have the following
    Creating Links to 'Previous' and 'Next' Sections
    This exercise will create links to 'previous' and 'next' sections (i.e. sections at the same level in the store – sometimes known as 'sibling sections').
    Include content similar to the following within the overall layout (primary) template for a section where you want the links to appear:
    <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    You could put the above code in the sectionline templates.

    With regards to the second question, you would need to edit the Act_Productline.html and add a new product layout.

    Attach to this thread is a template which i have created, its called Act_Productlinecustom.html. Save this file into your site1 folder and then go to "Design | Option | Layout" set the default product layout to "Act_ProductlineCustom.html"

    If the looks not right, then you would need to play around with the widths of the table on the template.

    Kind Regards
    Attached Files
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      I'm also having a bit of a problem with this one

      I want to limit the number of items that appear on each page within the sections of my store.

      I've used the following code from the AUG in my Act_Primary as suggested by the guide.

      <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
      <td align="right">

      The code only seems to link my sibling sections, the sections that are already showing down the left hand side of the page. I need a way to link to the various subsections that are created. On re-reading the guide it does say it's for linking sibling sections.

      There must be a fix for linking subsections as I've seen Actinic sites that have this function.

      Just for test purposes I have created a subsection called "page 2" under my section called "Exclusives" but I'm at a loss on how to proceed to establish a link.

      Ideally I would like to show "next" on the first page of each section, followed by "previous/next" on each subsequent page. With just "previous" showing on the last page.

      I need to incorporate a fix using my existing templates or at least renamed versions of them, as I want to retain my existing layouts.

      Here's the link so you can see what's happening at the moment.

      This could be my last major puzzle......until the next one!

      Myles Sinclair


        Hi Nadeem,

        You stated:
        With regards to the second question, you would need to edit the Act_Productline.html and add a new product layout.

        Attach to this thread is a template which i have created, its called Act_Productlinecustom.html. Save this file into your site1 folder and then go to "Design | Option | Layout" set the default product layout to "Act_ProductlineCustom.html"

        If the looks not right, then you would need to play around with the widths of the table on the template.
        I wanted to thank you for sending the Act_ProductlineCustom.html as it worked great. You were right I had to do some tweaking especially relative to the <BR>'s that were at the end of some of the code. I have installed it on my site and it is working perfectly.

        If you would like to view my site please visit More Than A Gift . Com

        Isaiah 40:31But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew [their] strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; [and] they shall walk, and not faint.


          Dear Myles,

          You said:
          Here's the link so you can see what's happening at the moment.

          This could be my last major puzzle......until the next one!
          I have tried that link and it doesn't seem to work.

          Isaiah 40:31But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew [their] strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; [and] they shall walk, and not faint.


            Separating products


            On I have separted my products, to do this I split my categories up so for example I have 5 Bad Taste Bear Figurine sections.

            Section one contains 10 products with product 11 being my links to the next pages ..

            scroll down to the bottom see what I mean ..

            Very easy to set up .. A pig to manage .. but the effect we wanted ..
            s a b b i e t a g e d


            A wise Monkey never monkies with another Monkies Monkey ..


              Not sure why that link didn't work, but you're right it doesn't!

              This one hopefully should.


              Many thanks



                Hello Eagle,

                Took a look at your site. Very nice, must be a busy time for you! I couldn't see any links though to next pages.

                I know you said your Christmas Ornaments extend to about 150 products. I counted 21 and couldn't see a link for any more pages. Thought you should know.

                If you get this linking of sub-sections working, perhaps you'll let me know how you do it? This problem is driving me nuts!

                Here's the new address to my test site if you want to check it out. It's still at design stage and I know the CGI bin isn't working properly. I've had a really bad day!


                Best wishes,



                  Originally posted by magicalwonders
                  Hello Eagle,

                  Took a look at your site. Very nice, must be a busy time for you! I couldn't see any links though to next pages.

                  I know you said your Christmas Ornaments extend to about 150 products. I counted 21 and couldn't see a link for any more pages. Thought you should know.

                  If you get this linking of sub-sections working, perhaps you'll let me know how you do it? This problem is driving me nuts!
                  Hello Myles,

                  I can sympathsize with your frustration. After reading all the threads relative to doing this I have decided against it and am now creating seperate sections for each category of ornaments. IE; Glass, plastic, lighted, etc...

                  I am hoping that at some point in the future Actinic will realize the necessity of having some of these types of requests available. I try to keep in mind however that Actinic is the best thing that I have seen in a long time as far as code generators go and it is 1000 times better than writing all the HTML by hand which is the way I did it for years when the internet first started.

                  I will keep in touch and let you know if I have changed it.

                  Isaiah 40:31But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew [their] strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; [and] they shall walk, and not faint.

