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Customising and previewing the checkout

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    Customising and previewing the checkout

    Dear All

    I am currently developing a florist website and have all the main catalogue pages complete. For the next stage, I want to edit my checkout, cart and login pages to alter the look/feel. I am not sure which folder or template controls these pages. Can anyone let me know? (using version 6)

    (*I am not using default templates, have hand coded html)

    Also, with regards to previewing these pages how would i go about doing that? I have the apache server installed acting as a local host, can i preview locally? If yes, is there a thread or tutorial available that goes through this?

    A third poser for you, not as urgent at the moment, once the site is completed is there a guide available on what to test to see it works properly?


    Firstly, pressing [Ctrl] + [L] will load up the template mannager. If its in the graphical view, click "Change View" to change to the normal view. You should then see a tab called "Ordering". If you select that tab you will find all the templates for the checkout and such.

    I'm not sure but i would say its not possible to preview these pages offline, you would proberbly have to upload to your webserver to view them.

    For your third question, i dont think there is much to test really. Just run a test order throught and see how it goes...
    Cheers FrAz

