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Search results and NETQUOTEVAR:LINK

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    Search results and NETQUOTEVAR:LINK


    I'm having a bit of an issue with product descriptions as displayed in search results. Wonder if anyone can help.

    The problem is that if I use [LINK] in the product description (as is a handy feature of v7) then the results display NETQUOTEVAR:LINK instead of the actual link, which looks none too pretty, naturally.

    Is this is a bug and if so, is there a fix I don't know about or a workaround available?

    Whilst I'm here, is it also possible to do the following:

    Retain the format of the product description displayed in the search results (i.e. the paragraph spacing) without the use of HTML in the description box (I haven't used HTML in the description unless absolutely necessary as this shop is being deployed to a client with limited knowledge)?

    Limit the description shown in the search results to a specific number of words?

    Any assistance greatfully received.

    OXLink Web Design (Oxford)
    Actinic developers since version 3
    01865 361696

    I have exactly the same problem. When I create an Extended Information page and use the "Text Link" tick box typing in lets say the word "Here", if my Full Description text was lets say "Please click [LINK] for more information", the actual result on the website says:-

    Please click NETQUOTEVAR:LINK for more information. Here

    So it puts the actual NETQUOTEVAR statement where the link should be so that it is visible by the user and moves the actual link to the end of the full description

    This didn't happen when I went on the Actinic training course earlier this week...
    Using SellerDeck 2013 Business Plus

    KTEC Group

    Label Printer & Barcode Systems


      Is it a bug.....?

      Hi, just hoping for a response from Actinic on what looks like a bug.

      OXLink Web Design (Oxford)
      Actinic developers since version 3
      01865 361696



        If this is a bug, is it being looked into or is it something I'm doing wrong?

        Is someone from Actinic able to respond? I have to deploy this site soon, so any help as soon as possible would be really appreciated.


        OXLink Web Design (Oxford)
        Actinic developers since version 3
        01865 361696


          Hi there

          The only way i could get this error was to:

          1. Create a product
          2. For the Description of the product, type in [LINK], but for the link tab, i did not tick Advance Link.

          This brought up the error. Have you got any reproduceable steps in creating this error, also what version of Actinic are you running? (To check this, go to "Help | About.").

          Kind Regards
          Nadeem Rasool
          SellerDeck Development


            Hi Nadeem,

            Thanks for your reply.

            I have the Advanced Link bit all ticked etc. In the product description (as displayed on the product page) I have no issue whatsoever, perhaps that is where you are looking?

            It's only when I search for a product does the error appear in the search results. It appears that NETQUOTEVAR:LINK is not being substituted as it should, it's like it's not carrying it through for some reason. It doesn't carry through any of the other layout from the product description (unless HTML tags are used) either, which is what makes me think it's a bug.

            I have attached a partial screen shot with the error on, so you can see what I mean.

            I am using Actinic Developer version


            Attached Files
            OXLink Web Design (Oxford)
            Actinic developers since version 3
            01865 361696


              Hi there

              It's only when I search for a product does the error appear in the search results.
              Yes, now i see what you are talking about. I even tested it on 7.0.2 ELCA as well as 7.0.1 EGSA.

              I will post to the development team and let you know the outcome on this issue.

              Kind Regards
              Nadeem Rasool
              SellerDeck Development


                Thanks Nadeem.

                It's nice to finally get some response!

                As this is a bug rather than a request for an additional feature, is it possible to move for a fix really quite quickly? I only have until Wednesday to finish this shop and get it deployed, you see.


                OXLink Web Design (Oxford)
                Actinic developers since version 3
                01865 361696


                  Hi Angi

                  The developer has just got back to me saying there is no quick workaround I'm afraid. The issue is that the search part is generated on upload. The only suggest i can give, is to untick the "Description" part of "View | Search Settings | Results"

                  Kind Regards
                  Nadeem Rasool
                  SellerDeck Development


                    Any Progress??

                    Has there been any progress on this matter?

                    Ladies Swimwear


                      It seems not...

                      I have got a bit of an answer though. It's actually an answer to my own question about limiting the amount of product description text shown on the search results page. It doesn't fix the NETQUOTEVAR thing in itself but it won't show it as long as you place [LINK] in your product description after the character cut-off point. For me, the added benefit is having shorter descriptions in the results as often these are too long to display nicely anyway. Enough of my waffle, here we go then.

                      Open and look for:

                      ($status, $sTemp) = ACTINIC::ProcessEscapableText($Product{DESCRIPTION});
                      Simply change this line to read:

                      ($status, $sTemp) = ACTINIC::ProcessEscapableText(substr($Product{DESCRIPTION},0,50).' ...');
                      Save the file and upload.

                      This will cut off the product description on the results page after 50 characters and add ... at the end. You could then add a link to the product called 'more' to go to the product itself for more info.

                      Works for me. Hope it helps out others.

                      OXLink Web Design (Oxford)
                      Actinic developers since version 3
                      01865 361696

